His Best Mistake

His Best Mistake by Kristi Gold Read Free Book Online

Book: His Best Mistake by Kristi Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristi Gold
    Macy tugged the band from her hair, sending a blond crop of curls cascading down her shoulders. “Maybe you’re worried it would work. Maybe you’re afraid you’ll get reeled in again. But hey, nothing wrong with convenience sex, as long as you don’t let all that emotional garbage enter into it. And as long as you double up on the condoms.”
    “I’m not in the mood for any kind of sex.” Not exactly a lie. She hadn’t even thought about sex for months…much. “Besides, I’ve told him I’m seeing someone.”
    Macy’s mouth hung open a few moments before she snapped it shut. “When do you have time to see anyone?”
    “I don’t and I’m not. I only want him to believe that I’m off the market.”
    “What are you going to tell him if he asks for details about this mystery man?” Macy asked.
    “I’ve already covered that. I’ll pretend my new lover is J.W., my friend from Mississippi.”
    Macy snorted. “You mean that mechanic who called here one night and told me he had a really big toolbox then asked if I wanted to check it out?”
    Good old J.W. “Yes, but don’t worry about him. He’s all hat and no cattle.”
    “He’s all talk and no action.”
    “I’ll take your word for it.” Macy slapped her hands against her thighs and stood. “I have to hit the shower now because I am in the mood for a little lovin’. I have a date with some prime beef tonight and he’s picking me up in less than an hour.”
    Leah experienced some unwarranted and unwanted envy. “I’ll vacuum so he doesn’t injure his knuckles when they drag the floor.”
    Macy rolled her eyes. “You do that, Leah. And just one more question. Did you make it clear to Kevin that you’re not interested in playing the happy-family game with him?”
    “I tried, but knowing Kevin, he’s not going to let it go easily.” In fact, Leah wouldn’t put anything past him.
    “I NEED to borrow one of your kids.”
    After the declaration spewed out of Kevin’s mouth, he’d give a month’s pay for a camera to capture the confused look on his brother-in-law’s face.
    “What in the hell are you talking about, Kevin?”
    “If you’ll let me in the house, Whit, I’ll tell you.” He didn’t relish the thought of explaining the situation to his sister, Mallory, but desperation had sent him across Houston during rush-hour traffic for some much-needed assistance.
    After a moment’s hesitation, Whit held open the door and muttered, “Come in.”
    Kevin entered the living room to find Mallory seated on the edge of the sofa wearing a pink silk robe. A bottle of champagne and two glasses were set out on a hideous, hairy rug covering the hardwood floor. A cozy scene indicating an intimate celebration. His timing royally sucked.
    “Is something wrong with your cell phone, Kevin?” his sister asked, her tone less than amicable.
    He shoved his hands in his pockets and tried to look contrite. “Sorry. I just assumed that since it’s six o’clock on a Monday, I wouldn’t interrupt anything but dinner.”
    “It’s almost seven.” Whit dropped down next to Mallory and rested a hand on her thigh. “If you’d shown up five minutes later, I wouldn’t have answered the door.”
    Kevin eyed the spread on the floor. “Is it your anniversary?”
    “No.” Mallory tightened the robe’s sash and moved closer to her husband. “Whit found out today he’s going to design a multimillion-dollar home for a prominent corporate CEO. We’re celebrating.”
    Kevin offered his hand to his brother-in-law for a shake. “Congratulations.”
    Whit smiled with pride. “Thanks. I beat out a dozen other architects, so I’m pretty happy about it. I’ll begin working on the design in a few weeks.”
    “Sounds like a good deal,” Kevin said. “Who is this tycoon, anyway?”
    Mallory sighed. “Let’s cut the chitchat, you two. And Kevin, what are you doing here?”
    “He wants to borrow one of the girls,” Whit said before

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