His Love Lesson

His Love Lesson by Nicki Night Read Free Book Online

Book: His Love Lesson by Nicki Night Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicki Night
was doing in there. He flipped back to the news.
    Something roared outside the villa. Chey came running into the living room. Hunter stood to his feet.
    â€œOh my goodness! Was that an animal?” Chey shrieked.
    â€œActually, I think it was the wind,” Hunter replied as he took cautious steps toward the window. The cover of night had made a stormy sky even darker. Hunter couldn’t see a thing. When he stepped back from the window, he bumped into Chey, who had been leaning over behind him as he peered through the wood blinds.”
    â€œOopsie.” Chey flashed a sheepish grin.
    Hunter knew the sound had rattled her. “Maybe I should take a look outside.” Chey’s evident fear put Hunter in protector mode.
    Guardedly, he opened the villa door. The cold wind whirled aggressively as if to push its way inside. Hunter drew back away from the frigid air. He stepped aside, closing the door, and once again bumped into Chey peering over his shoulder. He couldn’t help his laugh.
    Chey rolled her eyes as if she was embarrassed by her behavior. “Sorry.”
    â€œNo problem. Let me grab my coat and boots.” Hunter stepped around her and retrieved his hat, gloves and coat from the bedroom. “Stay inside,” he instructed as he pulled his gloves on before going out into the piercing cold. Taking a quick look around the outside, Hunter didn’t see anything threatening. The wind whirled again with a loud rumble, rustling the trees and tossing snow into Hunter’s face. Large cold flakes stung his cheeks and filled his eyes so he could hardly see. He felt his way back, and the door opened as soon as he got to it.
    Chey stood on the inside. She wiped his face with her hands, helping to clear the snow from his eyes. He felt that spark again. This time he couldn’t write it off as part of his imagination. It was definitely real. Again he wondered if Chey felt it, too.
    Chey helped him out of his coat, which had been covered in snow in the short amount of time that he’d been outside. Hunter stomped the snow from his feet as Chey shook the wetness from his coat.
    â€œLooks like it’s getting worse,” she said.
    â€œYeah!” Hunter blew hot air into his hands and rubbed them together.
    â€œI just hope it passes by in the morning so I can get home.”
    â€œYeah.” That was Chey’s only response.
    For a few moments, they remained close, moving about in an uncomfortable silence.
    â€œUm...here’s your coat.” Chey held it out toward him.
    â€œYeah,” Hunter said. They danced a few awkward steps around each other as Chey moved one way and then the other trying to get out of Hunter’s path to the coatrack.
    â€œI guess I’ll get back to work,” she finally said.
    â€œOkay.” Hunter walked back toward the couch. He really didn’t want to go back to being bored, but he also didn’t want to bother Chey. “I was going to heat up more water. Would you like more tea?” he asked before she disappeared into the room. It was all he could come up with to make some conversation. The lack of communication was killing him and he was tired of swiping through his timeline on Facebook. He wished he had brought his laptop with him, but he’d insisted on enjoying his vacation and leaving work behind.
    â€œOh, sure. Let me get my cup.” Chey dipped into the room and reappeared quickly.
    Hunter walked over to the island where the cooktop was positioned in the center. “It didn’t whistle yet, but I’m sure it’s hot enough. I’m gonna have hot chocolate. You still want tea?” he said, making a subtle suggestion.
    â€œHot chocolate sounds good.”
    Hunter poured two cups and handed the first to Chey.
    â€œHmm.” Chey gripped the mug in both hands, sipped and rolled her head back as she took in the savory sweetness.
    â€œIt’s good, right?” Hunter said, taking in the

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