His Reluctant Bodyguard

His Reluctant Bodyguard by Loucinda McGary Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: His Reluctant Bodyguard by Loucinda McGary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loucinda McGary
back. If he and Williams could weasel their way onto Valiant, someone else could too. Someone who might harm Avery to get to him. He couldn't let her out of his sight!
    Fighting to keep the panic out of his voice, he told her, "You can stay in the suite with us."
    But Williams shook his head. "The suite's too easily accessible. We need to stay someplace less vulnerable. I've asked the Captain for two inside cabins. One way in and one way out."
    "T-two?" Avery asked , her brow furrowed with confusion.
    But Rip was already a step ahead. "She's staying with me!"
    "Calm down, lover boy," Williams said with a roll of his eyes. "I'm one step ahead of you. But I'm only telling you this once, if you poke so much as a toenail outside the door before we get to Martinique, I move in and --"
    "I get the picture," Rip interrupted while Avery sputtered, no doubt at his high-handed tone.
    A moment later, they reached the elevator and Williams continued his over-bearing manner. " Nadeesh is meeting us at your cabin, Miss Knox, with new key cards. I'll give you five minutes to pack a few things."
    Once inside the elevator, Avery cast a withering glance at Williams, but addressed Rip. "I'm only doing this so I won't have your blood on my conscience."
    Rip decided the smartest thing he could do was keep quiet. When the elevator stopped, she stomped out without looking at either of them. Their hapless butler stood in the otherwise empty hallway, and Williams took him aside after pointedly looking at his watch.
    However, as soon as Avery opened her cabin door a familiar screech greeted them and her red-haired roommate bounded out. "There you are! OOOO! Hi Mr. Brown. Hi Mr. Smith."
    "Not now, Ginger." Avery brusquely pushed past and pulled a duffle bag from under the bed. Without a pause she opened the closet and threw several pieces of clothing into the bag.
    Wide-eyed, Ginger asked, "Is something wrong?"
    Williams shoved everyone inside the cabin and closed the door before he turned and eyed Ginger up and down. "Do you have a blonde wig?"

    Aggravation and indignation still seethed through Avery's bloodstream as she unpacked her few toiletry items in the miniscule bathroom. Then she hung her four pieces of clothes in the closet and shoved her unmentionables into the top drawer of the built-in cabinet. She started to tell Rip she was using the second drawer for dirty clothes, but remembered she was giving him the 'silent treatment.'
    Apparently he wasn't clear on the silent concept for he said in an overly cheerful tone, "This is cozy."
    She glared at him as she shoved her make-up and hair brush into the top drawer of the vanity-desk combo. This room was almost identical in size and lay out to the cabin she shared with Ginger, so Avery was used to the tight quarters. But this had to be a real come-down for Rip after the luxury of a concierge suite.
    Good! Served him right . She thought crossly, giving him another austere look.
    Rip sat propped against the headboard of one of the small twin beds which were shoved against each wall. Even in a sitting position, his feet reached the end of the mattress, and if he rolled over, he'd most likely fall onto the floor. She almost hoped he would.
    As if guessing her thoughts, he sighed. " Gimme a break, Avery. Please? I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
    "You should have told me someone shot at you in Miami," she blurted, unable to remain mute any longer. "I wouldn't have let you leave the ship if I'd known."
    "I honestly didn't think --"
    "And that's always been your problem, Rip Pollendene ! You don't think. You jump in and let the consequences fall where they may." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly in an effort to calm her frayed nerves.
    When Avery lifted her eyelids, he looked properly chastised.
    "My instincts are usually pretty good."
    "Well, this time pretty good almost got you killed." Remembering how close that bullet had come left her shaky, so she sat on

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