Hitler's Terror Weapons
time-space continuum or range of observation during measurement) makes this unlikely. More probably, in the opinion of many, relativity theory will ultimately have to be discarded. 28
    Einstein asserted that a three-dimensional continuum plus time is all there is. In the 1920s he pointed out that quantum physics appeared to predict that sub-atomic particles communicate with one another instantaneously and regardless of the distance separating them. This implied faster-than-light communication which was prohibited by his theory of relativity, the cardinal principle of which was the dictum that nothing can travel faster than light, since that would imply a number of unacceptable paradoxes such as time travel. In 1982 the physicists Aspect, Dalibard and Roger of the Institute of Optics at the University of Paris proved by experiment that when twin photons emitted from a calcium atom travelled a significant distance apart, and had their angles of polarization – the specific angle of orientation of the light wave – measured simultaneously, their polarizations were always found to be correlated. Einstein had stated years before that, if that were discovered to be the case, he would accept that the two protons had communicated instantaneously. Thus it would seem that the Special theory of relativity cannot stand, and time travel, UFOs from other dimensions “and a host of other paradoxes” are possible.
    Much earlier than 1982 Aryan Physics suspected that when Einstein was working on the unified field theory, he realized that relativity could not be accommodated in it, but by then it was impossible for him to admit his earlier error. While dismissing relativity theory altogether, Aryan Physics also refuted quantum physics on the grounds that all unified field theories continued to view space-time in Einstein’s terms. Since Hermetic science accepts other dimensions beyond our own continuum, presumably this, together with the assertion that the sub-atomic world has no independent structure, was what Aryan Physics considered was lacking in quantum theory. Since the war, through optics research and spectral analysis from the Orbiting Solar Observatory, OSO7 of NASA, we have new knowledge concerning the composition and formation of the universe. Vibratory sound fields do exist within the sub-atomic worlds which appear responsible for molecular structures maintaining their specific particle configurations. The implication is that the structure of the universe is based on harmonics.
    Before the advent of quantum theory, most physicists accepted a universe that was totally causal. The success of Newton’s physics was due to the apparent laws of causality seeming to exist for virtually every system. Even when prediction was impractical, classical physics still assumed that the system was causal. This mechanistic view was based on the notion that reality is composed of solid objects and empty space, and in the realm of everyday life this is still valid. The refutation of quantum and relativity theories meant the resurrection of Newtonian Physics in Nazi Germany. Inevitably this had its repercussions in the nuclear field, for as Speer explained, 29 Hitler “set his face against nuclear physics for doctrinal reasons,” and evidently showed little interest in having his scientists build a nuclear reactor as a power source. The evidence also suggests that he did not want to use the atom bomb. If one can accept the idea that, far from being merely a mob-orator with a limited intellect, Hitler was literate philosophically, even if the results of his beliefs were horrendous, then the assertion of many of his contemporary scientists and military leaders may be true, that decisions in the scientific field were based on his obscure scientific doctrine or communicated to him from another level.
    Professor Heisenberg Acts Unwisely
    A notable personality to fall foul of Aryan Physics early on was Professor Werner

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