Hold Her Heart (Words of the Heart)

Hold Her Heart (Words of the Heart) by Holly Jacobs Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hold Her Heart (Words of the Heart) by Holly Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Jacobs
“It was the first time we ever had a consistent home. It was the first time I’d ever had a room to call my own. When Mom got a job, we got an apartment, and Ms. Pip had other families stay here.”
    I thought he was done, but Logan added softly, “Mom bought her own home a few years ago in Girard. Not just a place to rent, but bought it. I came home for the closing. Unless you knew where she’d come from, you might not understand how significant it was. The first thing she did once we moved her in was have a dinner for Ms. Pip, Ned, and Fi.”
    I could imagine it. A small house all lit up, and Ned and Piper being invited in. That sense of pride that Logan’s mom must have felt.
    I thought he was done, but then Logan added, “Because Ms. Pip changed my mom’s life, she changed mine. It wasn’t just having a house to call home or a room of my own. I went to college. And I became a nurse, like Ms. Pip.”
    “She’s a nurse?” I asked. I’d read her bio online and had seen her picture, but I hadn’t gone surfing for more in-depth information. Logan knew so much more about my biological mom than I did.
    He nodded. “That’s what she was doing when she became a writer. I’m going back to school to be a nurse practitioner. I finished the first year and then did another stint with First Aid, an international medical relief organization. I’ve already signed up to go abroad again next year when I’ve finished—”
    He was interrupted by the sound of the front door banging open. Fiona raced into the room. “You’re still here.”
    There were so many confusing emotions still tossing about in me, but when I looked at Fiona, things were clear. She was a kid I already genuinely liked. “Yes. I’m coming to dinner tonight, and Logan invited me to stay here.”
    “If you weren’t staying here, I was going to tell you that you could stay at our house.”
    Her offer was earnest. “Thank you, Fiona.”
    “Maybe sometime we’ll have a sleepover.” I caught Logan grinning, and obviously so did Fiona. She glared at him. “I just met my sister for the first time. You can’t blame me for being excited.”
    He pulled her braid. “No, I can’t, squirt. But I’m guessing that this is very overwhelming for your sister.”
    I nodded. “I was an only child when I woke up this morning. My stepmom doesn’t even have kids, so no stepsiblings,” I admitted. “I’m not sure I know how to be a sister.”
    “Oh, it’s easy. I’ve given it a lot of thought. You think that everything I do is wonderful, and if I’m fighting Mom and Dad over something, you’re always on my side.”
    I couldn’t help but grin. “Is that so?”
    She nodded so hard her braid audibly thwacked against her back. “Yeah. I have plenty of friends with older siblings, so I know how it’s supposed to go.”
    “I’ll keep it in mind,” I promised her.
    “I’m actually here to see if you have anything you won’t eat, or can’t eat.”
    “Nope. No allergies or anything. And for won’t—I’m pretty good with most normal foods.”
    “What’s an abnormal food?”
    “Things that have eyes and look at you while you eat them. Snails. Snakes . . .”
    “Logan’s eaten all kinds of creepy food, but I’m with you. So’s Dad. He’s not a great cook, but he’s making spaghetti so we’re pretty safe.” She turned to Logan. “You’re supposed to come over, too.”
    He shook his head. “This is for family.”
    “You’re family,” Fiona informed him.
    “I know, but tonight I think it should be the four of you. I’ll come over for dinner next time.”
    “Mom’s not going to like your answer.” She turned to me. “Everyone thinks Mom’s so easygoing, but she has very firm opinions on things. Like finding you. Dad’s going to be in the doghouse for a long time for this one.”
    “Why?” I asked.
    “Because she didn’t want to bother you. She didn’t want to make you feel guilty, like you had to come. She wanted to wait for

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