Holding You

Holding You by Kelly Elliott Read Free Book Online

Book: Holding You by Kelly Elliott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Elliott
out over the pillow and her hand was tucked up under face. She wore a slight smile as she slept peacefully. I chuckled when I noticed the towel underneath her.
    Walking over to her, I gazed upon her beautiful body. Turning, I walked to the closet in the hall and opened it. There was an extra blanket that I pulled down and took out of the bag. Heading back to the bed, I picked up my cell phone and checked it. I had two text messages.
    Dad : It wasn’t unnoticed son how you and Lauren were kissing while you were dancing and then you both left.
    Blowing out a breath of air, I hit Reply.
    Me : Is there a question or something in there dad?
    Dad : Remember how we raised you.
    Me : I would never hurt Lauren. I love her dad.
    Holy shit. I just told my father I loved Lauren. Dropping my head back, I stared at the ceiling until I heard my phone beep. Seeing my dad’s reply, I rolled my eyes. “Oh man.”
    Dad : Use protection.
    Me : Dad, really. Are we going to go there?? I’m not irresponsible!
    My heart was pounding in my chest. Here I was telling my father I wasn’t irresponsible and I forgot to wear a damn condom the second time I’d ever had sex. Fuck!
    Dad : I know. It’s my job to pester you. How far are y’all from A&M?
    Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Scrubbing my hands down my face, I paced back and forth. Glancing at the time on my phone, we had left the reception almost three hours ago. I never lied to my father. Ever. Okay, that’s not true. I may have told a white lie every now and then.
    Get a grip on yourself, Mathews!
    Me : We aren’t that far away.
    Not a lie. We’re not that far away.
    Dad : Okay. Be careful driving and kiss Lauren for me.
    Letting out the breath I had been holding, I typed back my response.
    Me : Will do! Later. Love ya, Dad.
    Dad : Love you, Colt. Later.
    The next message was from Will.
    Will: Did my eyes deceive me or did I see you and Lauren kissing?
    Me : No asshole, they did not deceive you.
    Will responded back within seconds.
    Will: So?
    Me : So . . . what?
    Will: Don’t be a dick. Are y’all together?
    Me : Maybe. Define together.
    Will: Holy fuck. Y’all slept together? Where in the hell are you ‘cause if you’re at one of the beach houses you’re about to be caught!
    Letting out a chuckle, I shook my head and glanced over to my sleeping beauty.
    Me : Nope, took Lauren to St. Claires in Rockport. Told our parents we were heading back to A&M for Lauren to work on a project.
    Will: Please let me tell Luke! You’ve got to let me tell Luke.
    Shaking my head, I set my phone back down on the coffee table, but not before I turned it to silent. Taking the blanket I still had in my hand, I draped it over Lauren. She mumbled and let out a contented sigh. She looked happy.
    Crawling in bed, I pulled the cover over me and brought Lauren up against my body. She fit perfectly. The feel of her naked skin up against mine was heavenly. Unlike anything I had ever imagined. It didn’t take me long to completely relax as I listened to Lauren breathing in and out softly.
    Pulling her closer, I whispered, “I love you, Lauren. I’m never letting you go.”

    FEELING LAUREN MOVE and stretch next to me, I felt my hard dick pressing into her back. “Mmm . . . I take it that means you’re ready for round three, Mr. Mathews.”
    Opening my eyes, I saw goose bumps covering Lauren’s body. Turning, she faced me as her hand rested under her cheek. “Are you sore, sweetheart?”
    Scrunching up her nose, she whispered, “A little. But I want you, desperately.”
    I was hyper-aware of the warmth radiating from Lauren’s body as she spoke. “I’ll never get tired of hearing you utter those words from your lips.”
    A wistful smile spread across Lauren’s face. Leaning in, I kissed her lips gently. The kiss was soft and slow at first. Pulling her over and onto my body, we both began to lose control as things heated up. Lauren began rubbing against my hard dick, and I was wishing like hell I had a

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