Holly's Heart Collection Two

Holly's Heart Collection Two by Beverly Lewis Read Free Book Online

Book: Holly's Heart Collection Two by Beverly Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Lewis
Tags: Ebook
the matter, little sister?”
    “Paula’s pathetic,” I muttered.
    “Now, there’s an interesting Christian attitude.” He held the door as I trudged inside.
    “If I never see Paula’s face again, I’ll be thrilled,” I said.
    And then…around the corner she appeared. “I have to talk to you, Holly,” she said, reaching for my arm.
    I backed away, ready to do battle.
    Then Stan stepped in front of me. John Wayne’s voice rang through the hall. “Listen here, pilgrim. This here’s the sanctuary of God. I’d suggest you take your fight outside.” He took Paula’s arm by the elbow, guiding her away from my wrath. She looked up at him, smiling with all her teeth. “Well, missy, looks like I saved your hide,” Stan said as they strolled down the hall.
    I watched as Stan and the cat killer turned the corner in the foyer. Inching my way forward, I peeked around.
    “Seems as though what we’ve got here is just a little misunderstanding,” John Wayne droned on.
    Paula, the cat poisoner, giggled just as Andie appeared at the top of the steps, face-to-face with Stan. With his arm around Paula!

    Chapter 9
    Andie’s eyes popped. “Excuse me?” she demanded.
    Not given to defeat, Stan came up with the perfect comeback.
    “Missy,” he turned to Paula. “Like I said, life’s full of little misunderstandings.
    Gallantly, he offered his other elbow to Andie. “Well, pilgrims, let’s go to church.”
    Sparks flew from Andie’s dark eyes as she caught my glance.
    Stan was in for it now.
    Paula’s giggling diminished to a grin as she released her hold on my cousin. “Thanks for everything, mister. See ya at the roundup.”
    Some pathetic imitation, I thought, as she turned around and caught my eye.
    “Holly, I really do need to talk to you.” She was coming at me, full speed.
    I stood my ground. “There’s nothing to say.” I pushed past her as Andie grabbed Stan and pulled him into the youth service.
    After we sang some contemporary praise and worship choruses, Pastor Rob stood up. “Tonight we’re going to divide into small groups, but first the devotional.” He read the Scripture from Mat. thew 5:44. “ ‘But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…’ ”
    Some text.
    If I hadn’t known better, I would’ve thought Stan or someone else had filled in Pastor Rob on what was going on between Paula and me.
    He continued to talk about the verse, skillfully weaving the Scripture into his talk. When it was time to divide into discussion groups, Pastor Rob had us count off by fives. I was a two. So was Paula. Quickly, I disappeared into the girls’ bathroom and stayed there till I was sure the small group stuff was over.
    At last I came out, only to find Paula waiting beside the closed chapel doors. “I know you’re angry at me,” she said, “and I don’t blame you. But I honestly didn’t know bubble baths would harm your cat.”
    I couldn’t look at her face. Those perfectly white, perfectly aligned teeth of hers could blind an innocent bystander. Innocent, that was me all right. I’d innocently allowed her to care for Goofey. What an ignorant mistake.
    “Please?” she begged. “Please forgive me, Holly?”
    I wasn’t ready to discuss this. The anger in me was too strong. So strong I couldn’t even begin to put Matthew 5:44 into practice. “I can’t talk now.” I turned to find my jacket.
    “Can I call you?” she pleaded.
    “No.” I stormed down the steps, feeling totally out of control as I waited for Stan in the foyer.
    A few minutes later, the rest of the kids poured out of the chapel. Andie invited me to go with her to Denver in the morning to meet Christiana. “Dad wants to leave right after breakfast, around seven-thirty. Your mom can call the school and get an excused absence for you first thing tomorrow.”
    “Thanks for asking,” I told her, only because I wanted to be with Andie.
    Not because I wanted to meet Christiana.

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