Holy Shift!

Holy Shift! by Robert Holden Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Holy Shift! by Robert Holden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Holden
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 152. 1:1-8.

    Today our theme is our defenselessness. We clothe ourselves in it, as we prepare to meet the day.
    We rise up strong in Christ, and let our weakness disappear, as we remember that His strength abides in us.
    We will remind ourselves that He remains beside us through the day, and never leaves our weakness unsupported by His strength.
    We call upon His strength each time we feel the threat of our defenses undermine our certainty of purpose. We will pause a moment, as He tells us, “I am here.”
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 153. 19:1-6.

    Child of God, you were created to create the good, the beautiful, and the holy.
    Do not forget this.
    Text-1. VII. 2:1-2.

    If you knew Who walks beside you on the way that you have chosen, fear would be impossible.
    Text-18. III. 3:2.

    â€œWho walks with me?”
    This question should be asked a thousand times a day, till certainty has ended doubting and established peace.
    Today let doubting cease.
    God speaks for you in answering your question with these words:
    I walk with God in perfect holiness. I light the world, I light my mind and all the minds which God created one with me.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 156. 8:1-6.

    Into Christ’s Presence will we enter now, serenely unaware of everything except His shining face and perfect Love.
    The vision of His face will stay with you, but there will be an instant which transcends all vision, even this, the holiest.
    This you will never teach, for you attained it not through learning.
    Yet the vision speaks of your remembrance of what you knew that instant, and will surely know again.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 157. 9:1-4.

    In the ego’s language, “to have” and “to be” are different, but they are identical to the Holy Spirit.
    The Holy Spirit knows that you both have everything and are everything.
    Any distinction in this respect is meaningful only when the idea of “getting,” which implies a lack, has already been accepted.
    This is why we make no distinction between having the Kingdom of God and being the Kingdom of God.
    Text-4. III. 9:4-7.

    Christ’s vision is a miracle.
    It comes from far beyond itself, for it reflects eternal love and the rebirth of love which never dies, but has been kept obscure.
    Christ’s vision pictures Heaven, for it sees a world so like to Heaven that what God created perfect can be mirrored there.
    The darkened glass the world presents can show but twisted images in broken parts.
    The real world pictures Heaven’s innocence.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 159. 3:1-5.

    Not one does Christ forget.
    Not one He fails to give you to remember, that your home may be complete and perfect as it was established.
    He has not forgotten you.
    But you will not remember Him until you look on all as He does.
    Who denies his brother is denying Him, and thus refusing to accept the gift of sight by which his Self is clearly recognized, his home remembered and salvation come.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 160. 10:1-5.

    Select one brother, symbol of the rest, and ask salvation of him.
    See him first as clearly as you can, in that same form to which you are accustomed.
    See his face, his hands and feet, his clothing. Watch him smile, and see familiar gestures which he makes so frequently.
    Then think of this: What you are seeing now conceals from you the sight of one who can forgive you all your sins; whose sacred hands can take away the nails which pierce your own, and lift the crown of thorns which you have placed upon your bleeding head.
    Ask this of him, that he may set you free:
    Give me your blessing, holy Son of God. I would behold you with the eyes of Christ, and see my perfect sinlessness in you.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 161. 11:1-8.

    Spirit is in a state of grace forever.
    Your reality is only spirit.
    Therefore you are in a state of

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