Homecoming: A Secret Baby Romance

Homecoming: A Secret Baby Romance by Lauren Landish Read Free Book Online

Book: Homecoming: A Secret Baby Romance by Lauren Landish Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Landish
came to mind that made remotely any sense. It was a horrible lie, but what was I supposed to do? I couldn’t tell them that Max had stood up the military because I’d trapped him with a baby.
    My parents exchanged grave glances and my mother pressed her fingers to her lips in horror. “Why didn’t you tell us this earlier, Nikki?”
    “I didn’t want to disturb you guys,” I replied, trying to keep my voice even. “I wanted to believe that Max was okay, but ever since he’s been back . . . I could see . . .” I shook my head, tears coming to my eyes, unable to speak.
    I would’ve deserved an Oscar for my acting if not for the fact that my tears were genuine, spurred by how horrible I felt.
    My mother placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and I wiped at the tear sliding down my cheek. “Thank you.” I cleared my throat. “Ever since he’s been back, I could see that something was bothering him. I tried to ask him about what happened while he was away and he would get this haunted look on his face that freaked me out.”
    “And what would he say?” Jerry asked. He was staring at me intently, hanging on to my every word. “In response, I mean.”
    “He would just mumble something about that some things are better left unsaid,” I replied, trying to avoid looking Jerry in the eye so I wouldn’t crack. “Also, on the first night he was back he took me to the bar and started drinking heavily. I mean, throwing back shot after shot like he was trying to numb his pain. After a while, he was drunk enough to tell me the reason.”
    You’re such a liar. Images of Max’s big cock in front of my face flashed before my eyes.
    “It’s just so hard to accept,” mother muttered, staring off into space. “Max was so adamant that he reenlist and seemed to be enormously excited about being deployed again. He never seemed depressed or disturbed to me at all. Not only that, up until a couple of days ago, you and Max looked like you were having the time of your lives.”
    “Well . . . that’s the thing. We weren’t, it was just a front. He made me swear to never say a word of this to you guys. He didn’t want you to know, so you wouldn’t worry.” It seemed that my lie was getting easier to tell as I expanded on the half-true story, every piece of the false puzzle falling into place right where I needed it. I still hated it as I was getting myself deeper and deeper. “And that’s why I ran into the airport like that . . . because I knew Max was going to be getting back on that plane and going somewhere dangerous when he really needs help.”
    “Oh my god.” My mom looked at her husband, her expression fearful. “Jesus, Jerry I had no idea Max was struggling with this.”
    “Neither did I,” Jerry replied, obviously shaken. He looked back to me. “Was there anything else you’ve seen from Max?”
    I thought for a moment. “Um . . . no, not that I can think of.” My words trailed off. I knew I needed to stop with all the lies before they got even more ridiculous, it’d just make stuff harder in the end.
    Jerry and my mother stood there in silence, not saying another word.

Chapter 14
    T he sound of the front door opening caused me to jump up from the couch, my heart pounding in my chest. Earlier, I’d dozed off watching reality TV, waiting for Max to come back home. Our parents had long since retired to their bedroom for the night, having grown tired of waiting for Max’s return. Besides, Jerry had to work in the morning.
    “Max?” I asked as I went rushing over to the front door. “Max, where were you?”
    Max stumbled into the foyer, falling to the floor. I rushed to his side and kneeled down. Instantly, I crinkled my nose at the smell of hard liquor.
    He looked up at me, eyeing me with bloodshot eyes. His shirt, which was open at the chest, was ruffled and had stains all over it. “Where’d you think I was?” he slurred.
    “Sandy’s,” I said as a statement of a fact.
    “I don’t need any

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