
Hope by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online

Book: Hope by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
their dearest friends and farmers was brutally
killed for protecting his supply of carrots.
    It was so stupid. If they went to Don, he’d be more than
happy to increase the supply of food. The weather was unpredictable, and they
had an entire preserving facility that took half of the produce and preserved
it in case of a shortage.
    Three years ago, they’d suffered nothing but heavy rain. The
rain had flooded all of their fields killing off many of the crops. They’d
survived the winter and summer on preserved food. Every year, Don made sure
there was enough food to eat and plenty put by in case of a bad season.
    Don was sending security around to all farms. They would
stay until the thieves were caught.
    “You’re very quiet,” Penny said.
    “I’m thinking,” he said.
    Penny grew silent by his side.
    He knew she was scared. Her first night of work was tonight.
Damon wondered how the men would take to her. Her blonde hair and natural
beauty would be much appreciated. He hoped none of the other women grew
jealous. The last thing he needed was to break apart a fight between the girl
he was protecting and the women he’d been looking after for years.
    Several of
those women you’ve fucked as well.
    Do you want
them giving Penny the details of how you like to fuck hard and fast?
    “Are you worried about tonight?” he asked.
    “Yeah and no.”
    “Which one is it?” He took her arm as a band of men walked
out of a shop. They stared at her like she was a chunk of meat to be eaten.
    She went with him without hesitation. He fingered the knife in
his pocket as he walked to the apartment block.
    They walked up the stairs together. Damon kept her close by
his side. He didn’t want any surprises.
    She’s not
your responsibility.
    Who else is
going to look after her?
    He shook his head, fighting off his inner words.
    They made it to his apartment door without any problem. Damon
opened the door and then pushed each lock into place.
    Penny went and sat on his sofa. He followed behind her.
    “I’m worried because it is something new, and that always
terrifies me. I’m going to be working in a sex club, and there are going to be
men there.”
    “I’ll be there, Penny. No one will hurt you. Don takes care
of the women in his care. How do you think I got these?” he asked, holding up
his hand.
    “See, I know that should make me feel relieved, but it
scares me. You still had to do that to a guy who was breaking the rules.” She
pointed at his hand.
    Damon saw her point and lowered his hand.
    “That doesn’t happen very often,” he said.
    “I know. It still scares me.”
    He stared past her out of the window. There was nothing for
him to say that could reassure her.
    “I’m excited because it is a job. I don’t have to worry
about selling my body or about other people who will hurt me. Don told me I
wasn’t good enough for selling. Shelley seemed nice,” she said.
    Damon snorted. “Don’t get on her bad side. She’s almost as
deadly as I am when a guy hurts one of her girls.”
    Penny chuckled. “I guess she’s like a mother to the women.”
    “In a way she is. She’ll never force them to do something
they don’t want. They all look up to her, which is good. Don doesn’t have to
worry about the respect of his people.”
    A smile broke across her lips.
    “What are you smiling at?” he asked.
    She shook her head. “Nothing.”
    “These bruises were just a bad night, Penny. You have
nothing to be afraid of.” He patted her hand before moving toward his kitchen
area. “I need to go out and get some supplies. I’m going to leave you here
until I get back.”
    Damon saw the alarm flit across her face. He put his hands
up in front of him. “Calm down.”
    He moved toward her.
    “You can’t leave me here alone. What if those men come
back?” she asked.
    Closing his eyes, he rubbed his temple. Grabbing her hand,
he moved her toward his bedroom. “Come here.”
    She followed him, and he felt her

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