Hope and Red

Hope and Red by Jon Skovron Read Free Book Online

Book: Hope and Red by Jon Skovron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jon Skovron
on the right side,” said Spinner.
    “Who even took it off in the first place?” asked Sadie.
    “Sorry, I tripped over it,” said Avery Birdhouse.
    Sadie glared at him. “I thought actors were supposed to be graceful.”
    “It’s actually called a line, not a rope,” said a new voice, rough but cheerful. “Also, the front of a boat is called the bow, and the right side when facing the bow is called starboard.”
    A man stood on the dock, smiling up at them. His skin was deeply tanned, like he’d spent a lot of time under the sun, and he wore the loose-fitting linen shirt of a sailor. He also wore a black patch over one eye.
    “That so?” asked Sadie, shifting her glare to this stranger. “And I suppose you’d know.”
    The man seemed unfazed by her tone. “You don’t remember me, do you?”
    Sadie squinted at him. “Should I?”
    “Me and you tossed a few times in the alley behind Gunpowder Hall.” He waited expectantly. After a moment, he added, “I had both eyes back then.”
    Sadie scratched at her matted hair, then shook her head. “Nope. I bent a lot of cocks in that alley. Can’t say I remember you.”
    His smile faltered.
    “But you’re a proper wag of the Circle, then?”
    His smile returned. “Born and raised. Lucky for you, I came down to the docks a while back and started working on ships.”
    “Why’s that lucky for me?”
    “I heard there was a molly calling herself Captain Sadie who was putting together a crew for a new business venture. Looks like you have some solid wags here, but what you need is someone who really knows their way around a ship.”
    “And that’s you, is it?”
    “It is.”
    Sadie considered it a moment. “What’s your name?”
    “On these docks, they call me Mister Finn.”
    “Yeah, well I’m calling you Missing Finn.”
    “On account of my eye?” he asked.
    “On account of where in hells have you been this whole week I’ve been trying to get this tub fixed up?” She held out her hand to him. “Welcome aboard the Savage Wind .”
    His smile grew even broader as he took her hand and climbed aboard. “What sort of business venture is this, anyway?”
    “Oh, didn’t I say?” asked Sadie. “Piracy. We’ll be plundering the coast.”
    “Piracy?” asked Missing Finn. “On New Laven? It’s never been done.”
    Sadie slapped his back. “And that, my wag, is why it’s going to work.”
    True to his word, Missing Finn knew his way around a ship and had them fit to sail in a few hours. He instructed each member of the crew on their tasks and helped Sadie plot their course along the coast.
    “That’s it, then.” Finn rolled up the map. “We’re ready to set sail.”
    “Not quite.” Sadie tapped her finger on one of the chart divider’s points. “My best wag is out doing a little job for me. He should be back anytime now.”
    *  *  *
    Red had been sitting outside the Sailor’s Mother all day, posing as a beggar while he waited for a suitable mark. He’d even made a few coppers by the time the sun began to set and at last he saw what he’d been looking for. A man on the small side, wearing a broad captain’s hat and fine black leather boots that went almost to the knee.
    Red waited until he’d entered the inn, then quickly pocketed his begged coppers and followed. He stepped inside in time to see the black boots stomp up the stairs to the rooms.
    “Hey, boy. What are you doing?”
    Backus leaned across the front desk, eyeing him suspiciously.
    “Oh, uh…” Red realized he should have thought of an alibi ahead of time. “That’s my, uh, uncle, and—”
    “No, I remember you. That red-eyed boy following Sadie around. What are you up to?” He stepped out from behind his desk and started to roll up his sleeves. “You better not be making mischief for my customers.”
    Red had been on the streets long enough to see a beating coming. Without another word, he ran through the doors and out into the safety of the crowded street. He

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