Hope Takes Flight

Hope Takes Flight by Gilbert Morris Read Free Book Online

Book: Hope Takes Flight by Gilbert Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gilbert Morris
Tags: FIC042000, FIC042030, FIC026000
kind of songs we sang back then, Pa. Just in church now. I get asked to sing a solo every once in a while.”
    â€œThat’s nice, Son. Real nice.” A thought crossed his mind, and he frowned. “What about Lylah? You had a chance to talk to her since you been here?”
    â€œNo, but I’m going to find time tonight. She’s not happy, is she, Pa?”
    â€œNo, she ain’t. Never has been, since she was a girl.” Will Stuart pulled off his hat and ran his hand through his hair, then put the hat back on. “I don’t know what she wants,” he said finally. “But whatever it is, she ain’t found it yet. And I don’t reckon she ever will, unless—”
    â€œUnless she finds the Lord. I think you’re right. But she seems a long way from God. The theater’s not the place to find him, I don’t think,” Amos said soberly. “I’ll try to talk to her tonight, Pa. Maybe she’ll listen to me.” Amos silently whispered a prayer of thankfulness that his father was finally beginning to see the importance of knowing God.
    A faint light of humor touched Will Stuart’s eyes. “If she does,” he grinned slightly, “it’d be the first time she ever listened to anybody.”
    Amos laughed and slapped his father’s thin shoulder. “You’re right about that, Pa. But there’s always a first time. C’mon, now, let’s you and me see if we can show these young whippersnappers how to win a Kewpie doll!”

    T he Stuart clan left the fairground, the women disappearing into a large department store as soon as they reached Fort Smith.
    â€œC’mon, fellas,” Amos said. “They won’t stop ’til they run out of money.” He led his brothers to the Palace Hotel, saying, “I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat.”
    They entered the restaurant, and it was hard for Amos not to smile as he watched the response of Logan and Pete. Their eyes grew large, and they walked as if they were afraid a mine might go off under their feet at any moment. Gingerly they sat down at the table, gawking at the white tablecloth and the unfamiliar array of silverware. When Amos offered to order for all of them, he saw the look of relief on the faces of his younger brothers. “Bring us all a steak, a baked potato, and a lettuce salad.”
    As they ate, their talk turned to news of the war. It was Owen who asked, “Do you think we’re going to get into this war over in Europe, Amos?”
    Amos shook his head. “Well, Paris is safe since the Allies won at the Marne, but they took 250,000 casualties.” When Logan gasped Amos turned to his younger brother. “That’s just the beginning, Logan. There’s never been a war like this one.”
    Owen looked down at his salad, pushed a piece of lettuce around with his fork, then turned his gaze back toward Amos. “Will America get into it?”
    Amos shrugged. “Bound to. The Germans have ordered total submarine warfare. Last February they sank two ships—the Carib , and the Evelyn —and they haven’t stopped since. Even President Wilson won’t be able to keep us out now.”
    Gavin slapped the table with a force that made the glasses rattle and startled the people sitting at the next table. “We can whup ’em, Amos! Just like we whupped them Yankees in the Civil War!”
    Amos grinned. “Well, we didn’t exactly whip them, Gavin.”
    â€œSure we did! We just sort of played at it.”
    All of them wolfed down their steaks and potatoes, and when it was time for dessert, the waiter asked each one what they wanted. By this time, Logan had gained some confidence.
    â€œHow about some apple pie a la mode?” the waiter suggested.
    Logan nodded. “Yeah. And put some ice cream on top of it, too.”
    At that Amos, who had taken the last bite of his steak,

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