Hope's Discovery (THE MATCHMAKER TRILOGY) by Bernadette Marie Read Free Book Online

Book: Hope's Discovery (THE MATCHMAKER TRILOGY) by Bernadette Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bernadette Marie
She wondered if it was possible to lose one’s heart in less than one day.
    “Thank you.”
    Trevor lifted his glass of red wine. “A toast to new friendships.”
    Hope tapped her glass to his. “To new friendships.”
    She sipped her wine and picked up the conversation they’d had in the car. She wasn’t finished learning about Trevor Jacobs, the boy from upstate New York.
    “So why are you in Kansas City?” she asked as she wrapped noodles around her fork. “Business.”
    She nodded. Losing her heart to the stranger she’d seen in her dreams seemed like a lost cause. He’d be leaving. That’s what it meant when business brought you to Kansas City.
    “I probably should have asked before, but what do you do? You certainly aren’t the art dealer I pray every morning will walk through my door and buy up all my art.” She lifted her glass in a toast again. “Though you did make my month by wanting to purchase my current work.”
    Trevor lifted his glass too. “I look forward to acquiring my latest purchase.” His smile stopped her with her mouth open. Her heart did a little flip and she thought back to the moment when he said he was there on business.
    “So, back to why you’re in Kansas City.”
    “Ah.” He set his glass back down. “I’m an insurance investigator.” He wiped his lips with his napkin and laid it back in his lap.
    Hope watched him carefully. He wasn’t completely comfortable with his answer. “You don’t like your job?”
    “What? No, I love it. Insurance is the bread and butter. But for fun I dabble in the personal. Meaning I do some”—he lifted his brow—“PI work,” he whispered.
    Hope smiled. “Oh.”
    “The deadbeat dad that needs to be found. The cheating wife. The stealing employee.”
    Hope looked down at her plate with a nod and then lifted her eyes back to him. “The missing parents?”
    “It would fit into my menu of services.” Trevor sat back and continued his assault on his lasagna, but Hope suddenly wasn’t hungry anymore. She chewed on her bottom lip.
    Just the day before, while standing at Mandy’s grave, she’d wondered who she was and where she’d come from. Who were the people who created her life and gave her to the wonderful people she called her parents? What kind of blood ran through her? Was Mandy only some coke addict who’d had affairs and gotten knocked up? Was there anything sincere about the woman? Who was the man she’d had an affair with?
    Trevor reached across the table and set his hand on hers. “Are you all right?”
    Hope snapped back to the conversation. “Yes, sorry.”
    “You’re not eating.”
    “I’m not really hungry. If you don’t mind, I’ll save this for lunch tomorrow.”
    He nodded, wiped his mouth, and then sipped his wine, all the while keeping his eyes focused on her. She caught his stare. She wanted to ask him to help her. She wanted to see if he would, but she needed to talk to Carissa. This would affect her too. After all, the only blood bond she had to the family that raised her was Carissa. They were sisters in blood.
    “You don’t look so well. Would you like me to take you back to the store to get your car?”
    “I’m sorry, Trevor.” She settled her eyes into his. Again, her stomach was flipping and her heart was racing. “Would you mind?”
    His brows drew together as he studied her for a moment. He gave her a nod, set his napkin on the table, and gave her a noticeably forced smile. “Not at all.”

    T he waitress boxed up their dinners and the cream- filled cannolis that Trevor ordered. He took Hope’s hand and escorted her back to the car.
    The ride back was quiet and he began to wonder what he’d said to upset her. Anxiety fluttered in his chest. He hadn’t revealed himself to her as someone sent to find her. He would usually have done that by now if he were being on the up-and-up. Instead, he was wining and dining her on her birth father’s

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