Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 01] The Sword of Cartimandua

Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 01] The Sword of Cartimandua by Griff Hosker Read Free Book Online

Book: Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 01] The Sword of Cartimandua by Griff Hosker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Griff Hosker
disappointment, the little ponies. Already his mind was working out how to sacrifice both bodyguards and ponies to save both himself and the warrior queen. The pace they travelled at was crucial; too fast and their horses would be winded, too slow and they would be caught and the ponies would slow them down. As he looked up at the sky he cursed the northern light.  It was high summer and would be lighter for longer.  Their only advantage would be they would be riding towards the setting sun which might bring on darkness and the chance to hide. 

Chapter 3

North West of Eboracum
    As they approached the wood Drusus and his men emerged to greet Ulpius.  He signalled them to his side. “I want you to go back into the woods.  Wait for the enemy to arrive.  When they are within bowshot, kill as many horses and men as you can and then escape through the woods. If they follow you, well, if not you will catch up with us. Clear?”
    Drusus looked grimly at his leader. “Do you think we can kill enough to deter them?”
    “No.  Do not take me for a fool!  They will have to slow down.  It will appear as though we have tried to ambush them and panic. They will reform and attack you. That will give you time to escape and slow them down. Is that clear?” The tone in his voice told Drusus that he had questioned too much.
    “Clear decurion.”
    Ulpius spoke at the four men trotted back into the woods “And Drusus, be careful.  I need you alive, all of you.”Turning he rode forward to join Cartimandua looking at the bodyguards as he passed them.  Their ponies were coping with the pace but Ulpius knew that in a race they would slow them down. Riding next to the queen he began to speak in Latin, hoping that the guards would not be able to understand them.
    “They will catch us your majesty and before we reach Eboracum.” She looked at the Roman waiting for him to explain. “The enemy are coming from the south.  We are trying to reach safety which lies south east.  We must travel further east to avoid them.  They know where we are going and can just cut us off.”
    “How do they know?”
    “Even if they didn’t see us when they get near to your citadel they will see our trail and I am sure there are enough of your people who wish you ill to inform on you.” He paused as he phrased his next statement. “I fear that the two killers who tried to attack your majesty were not alone and may have planted by your enemy. I think that your fortress will not last long as there are enemies within.”
    Vellocatus bridled. “Be careful Roman. The Queen has loyal subjects.”
    Ulpius laughed sardonically. “Yes I saw her reward two of them for their loyalty.”
    “Silence! He is right. They will inform on us. So Decurion what is your plan?”
    “I have laid a small ambush which should delay them what I need is a second ambush.” Again her look made him carry on. “If half of your guards waited until the first of the scouts had passed and then attacked them in the rear it would make them more cautious and they might waste time chasing your guards.”
    “And they might spend time killing them.”
    There was a silence then Ulpius said, “That was in my mind majesty. I need to get you safely to Eboracum and the legion. My men and your men are, “he paused, “expendable.”
    The Queen appraised the one eyed warrior before her.  She was a good judge of men if not of lovers and she liked his honesty. “You are right. When do you want them to make their attack?”
    “A little way ahead we drop down a shallow valley to cross a small stream. There is a wood there. If they wait until the last of scouts cross the stream then can attack them and then escape away from us.”
    The Queen said nothing then called, “Alerix.” A huge tattooed man with many trophy amulets on his arms came forward. “When we come to the stream take half my guards and wait in the woods. When the enemy follows wait until the last few are in the water when

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