Hot Flash

Hot Flash by Kathy Carmichael Read Free Book Online

Book: Hot Flash by Kathy Carmichael Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Carmichael
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
“Call me to schedule a visit.”
    “It was very nice seeing you again, Jill.” Davin’s smile seemed genuine.
    “You, too.” I knew he was hoping I’d ask him over to taste my cooking, but finding him sexy wasn’t enough. Even though I was on the make, I had a definite target of my own. What point was there in flirting with Davin when I wasn’t interested?
    Stephen nudged his ex-teacher, as if he was encouraging him.
    Davin patted Stephen on the shoulder but addressed me. “You never answered my question, you know.”
    “What question?” I knew exactly what he meant and I hoped the heat rising from my neck to my face wasn’t noticeable.
    “About the three of us getting together for a meal?”
    “Oh. Yeah. We’ll have to do that sometime.” Vague. Deliberately vague. “Well, gotta run. See you around.”
    As we turned, Davin made a parting shot. “Yes. You’ll be seeing me around.”
    Why did that sound more like a threat than a pleasantry?
    Stephen and I headed toward the checkout and the grin on Stephen’s face could not have been bigger. Maybe Davin Wesley wasn’t too awful since he genuinely cared about his students.
    And perhaps, after all these years, I could admit that he had been right about me back then. The last time I saw him, shortly before school let out for the year, Mr. Wesley called me a deadbeat mother—well, not in those words. But his intent had been clear during our parent/teacher conference when he mentioned I wasn’t giving Stephen enough attention.
    The problems between Daniel and I had first surfaced when Stephen entered third grade. Daniel’s admission that he wasn’t happy in our marriage had devastated me. That he wanted to live his life as Stormy Daniels rather than Daniel Storm nearly did me in.
    As a result, I couldn’t spend enough time with Stephen—not with going back to school and money worries. I tried to make it up to him, but making up never seems to be as good as having been there in the first place. I could spend the rest of my life making up and it would never be good enough. Even now, Stephen spent more time chatting with his ex-teacher, had strung more words together at once, than he’d said to me all together in weeks.
    I didn’t know how to fix it, wasn’t sure if I could, but one thing within my power was to make sure Stephen had a good education.
    I’d find a way.
    I’d find a nice traveling salesman, with oodles of moolah for tuition, and all would be well with my world.
    And sexy control freaks like Davin Wesley could kiss my aspic.

    Dear Jill,
    What a terrific idea. Please share your survey results with those of us who’ve sent you information.
    My personal philosophy is once you find Mr. Right, pull out all stops to snare him. Don’t worry so much about learning the secrets to a successful relationship. Love is the answer!
    If you love a man, you do what it takes to make the relationship work. Every woman looks for something different in a man. What works for me might not work for you.
    Viva la difference and happy man hunting,
    Yours truly,

    Renowned Five Star Master Chef, Albert Radkin, author of two best-selling cookbooks, internationally recognized for his take on Southwestern cuisine, was drunk. Again.
    As the chef at La Papillon Casino and Hotel, he’s my boss and also the biggest lush I’ve ever encountered. Considering I work in the food service industry, that’s saying a lot.
    He was slumped over his desk, which wasn’t unusual, but it did give me problems. I wanted the list of upcoming banquets clipped to the clipboard under his left arm. His head rested on his right arm, so maybe it wouldn’t be too difficult.
    I tiptoed closer to the desk, hoping not to wake him, although I didn’t think it likely. Leaning over the desk, I inched my hand toward the clipboard. I took another step closer and my fingertips came in contact with the banquet list.
    I checked Albert’s face. He hadn’t moved at all.

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