it I may last a little more and while
prayer in vain to sleep I have no right to it yet I haven’t yet deserved it prayer
for prayer’s sake when all fails when I think of the souls in torment true torment
true souls who have no right to it no right ever to sleep we’re talking of sleep I
prayed for them once if I may believe an old view it has faded
me again always everywhere in the light age unknown seen from behind on my knees arse
bare on the summit of a muckheap clad in a sack bottom burst to let the head through
holding in my mouth the horizontal staff of a vast banner on which I read
in thy clemency now and then let the great damned sleep here something illegible in
the folds then dream perhaps of the good time their naughtiness procured them what
time the demons may rest ten seconds fifteen seconds
sleep sole good brief movements of the lower face no sound sole good come quench these
two old coals that have nothing more to see and this old kiln destroyed by fire and
in all this tenement
all this tenement of naught from top to bottom from hair to toe and finger-nails what
little sensation it still has of what it still is in all its parts and dream
dream come of a sky an earth an under-earth where I am inconceivable aah no sound in the rectum a redhot spike that day we prayed no further
how often kneeling how often from behind kneeling from every angle from behind in
every posture if he wasn’t me he was always the same cold comfort
one buttock twice too big the other twice too small unless an optical delusion here
when you shit it’s the mud that wipes I haven’t touched them for an eternity in other
words the ratio four to one I always loved arithmetic it has paid me back in full
Pim’s though undersized were iso he could have done with a third I fleshed them indistinctly
something wrong there but first have done with my travelling days part one before
Pim how it was leaving only part two leaving only part three and last
in the days when I still hugged the walls in the midst of my brotherly likes I hear
it and murmur that then above in the light at every bodily pain the moral leaving
me as ice I screamed for help with once in a hundred some measure of success
as when exceptionally the worse for drink at the small hour of the garbage-man in
my determination to leave the elevator I caught my foot twixt cage and landing and
two hours later to the tick someone came running having summoned it in vain
old dream I’m not deceived or I am it all depends on what is not said on the day it
all depends on the day farewell rats the ship is sunk a little less is all one begs
a little less of no matter what no matter how no matter when a little less of to be
present past future and conditional of to be and not to be come come enough of that
on and end part one before Pim
fire in the rectum how surmounted reflections on the passion of pain irresistible
departure with preparatives appertaining uneventful journey sudden arrival lights
low lights out bye-bye is it a dream
a dream what a hope death of sack arse of Pim end of part one leaving only part two
leaving only part three and last Thalia for pity’s sake a leaf of thine ivy
quick the head in the sack where saving your reverence I have all the suffering of
all the ages I don’t give a curse for it and howls of laughter in every cell the tins
rattle like castanets and under me convulsed the mud goes guggle-guggle I fart and
piss in the same breath
blessed day last of the journey all goes without a hitch the joke dies too old the
convulsions die I come back to the open air to serious things had I only the little
finger to raise to be wafted straight to Abraham’s bosom I’d tell him to stick it
some reflections none the less while waiting for things to improve on the fragility
of euphoria among the different orders of the animal kingdom beginning with the sponges
when suddenly
Jack Coughlin, Donald A. Davis