How to Break a Heart

How to Break a Heart by Kiera Stewart Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: How to Break a Heart by Kiera Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiera Stewart

such as the godforsaken “Hero’s March” and “Warrior’s Dance” for the annual spring concert next Tuesday night, in the cafetorium at 7 p.m.
    Math teacher and band leader Mr. Greer promises free earplugs to first fifty attendants.
that members of the audience will be in for “a real treat.”
    The concert will include several soloists, including Kailey Kinnell on dying whale
award-winning clarinetist
Kipper Garrett on clarinet (see profile below). Who is actually pretty good. Seriously, you should take your earplugs out for him. He is magical.
    The concert is free and open to the pubic.
    Eighth-Grade Clarinetest Better Than You Would Think
Is an Award-Winning Musician
    You may not know it to look at him, but Kipper Garrett is practically a celebrity. Since third grade, Kipper Garrett has racked up an amazing assortment of trophies.
awards, the latest being the County High Notes Winning Woodwind.
He will probably be extremely famous one day, because he practices at least an hour every day, and on top of that, he’s a really nice guy.
credits his success to his mother, a clarinetist herself who studied with the famed German soloist Sabine Meyer.

[click for more]
    Study Finds There Is No Real Point to Being First in Line
    A groundbreaking study out of the Hiram Macomb Center for Education shows that, despite popular belief, “line leaders” are no more likely to be successful than mid-liners. [click for more]

yo quiero

tú quieres

ella quiere

nosotros queremos

ellos quieren
    W alking into school the next morning, I see Abe Mahal in the center of a crowd. He’s gesturing wildly and telling a story that I can’t hear. I spot the back of Jordan’s head and reach through the mob to tap her on the shoulder. She glances back at me and nods, holding a finger up to mean
one minute
. But Officer Dirk, the school security guard, doesn’t give her that minute.
    “DISPERSE, PEOPLE!” Officer Dirk says in his all-caps voice. For once, I am on his side. I only wish for some sort of human Drano. The crowd starts to shift and break apart, and Officer Dirk swats us all away like we are houseflies. Jordan adheres to my hand, and I pull her down the hall toward my locker, where Sirina is unloading her backpack.
    “What’s going on?” I ask Jordan.
    “Oh my god. Somebody broke out a window downstairs yesterday after school. Abe was there when it happened.”
    “Who did it?”
    “They don’t know yet,” Jordan says, her eyes wide. “They heard this crash and the guy just
tore off
through an emergency exit. But Abe said he heard there was a prison escape in Mount Claire yesterday, so”—she lowers her voice—“it’s possible that a murderer was here. On. School.
    “So there’s a
crime scene
? An actual
?” I have a fleeting but thrilling fantasy that the producers of
La Vida Rica
have been asked to take charge of our school. There will be flower deliveries during algebra, ceviche for lunch, fitted P.E. uniforms! The health center will be staffed by stunning and elegant doctors, and nurses with white hats, and balconies will be installed on all second-floor classrooms, for both mad kissing scenes and the occasional brush with murder. And it will all be set near a beach.
    Sirina looks at me, her eyes getting a rare sparkle of excitement. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
    It’s probably not salsa lessons for P.E., I realize.
    “The YoJo!” She grabs my hand and squeezes it.
    The YoJo—the National Youth Journalism award—is something that Sirina has pined for since we started writing for
The Vindicator
last year. It’s a biannual contest, and each December and June she sends in our entry. But with articles like “Hands Down, Single Mittens Most Common Items in Lost and Found” and “Ding Dongs Banned from Cafetorium After Fourth Microwave Explosion,” we haven’t had much of a chance.
    Sirina continues.

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