Training Amy

Training Amy by Anne O'Connell Read Free Book Online

Book: Training Amy by Anne O'Connell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne O'Connell
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
conversation. "So was Brad ever in the military?"
                "Marines actually, before college. Why?" Eric gave her a quick sidelong glance.
                "He's always so," she paused, trying to find the right word. "Commanding?"
                "Brad is a very in-your-face kind of guy. But, you always know exactly what he expects and where you stand with him, right? He's also fair and honest and one of the nicest people I know. I couldn’t have a better friend,” he said.
                “I didn’t mean anything by it. I like Brad. I was just curious. He has a very orderly, always prepared, practical, military thing going on. And he sounds like a drill sergeant sometimes. That’s all,” she said with a quick smile, worried she might have again treaded on forbidden territory yet again. She was famous for doing that.  
                Eric chuckled. “Yeah, he is very much like that. That doesn’t scare you does it?”
                Shaking her head she said honestly, “It will take some getting used to but really it makes me want to call him Sir and salute.”
                A full belly laugh came out of Eric. “Wow. That’s funny. I have to tell him that.”
                Panic flooded her. “No, don’t tell him that, he’ll want to fire me.”
                “Doubtful. Last I heard he was already planning the schedule through next year. He does have a sense of humor, you know. He just isn’t as open with it as I am with mine. Once you get to know him better you’ll see.” He gave her another reassuring smile.
                Then they began talking about movies and before she knew it, they were in front of her house.  She hated it when that happened. There were days she wish work never ended just so she could talk to Eric. Now, she was wishing the ride home was longer. “Thanks for the ride. I’ll see you tomorrow at one again.” She gave him a sweet smile. She really did like Eric despite the fact he was older. A lot older, she’d discovered. Of course he probably wasn’t interested in some twenty-nothing college girl, but it didn’t keep her from flirting.
                “Alright. Get some sleep. Maybe read a book, relax. That will help.” He flashed that brilliant smile at her.
                She closed the car door and hurried up to the house, unlocked the door and waved before going inside. He waved back, but waited to pull away from the curb until she was safely inside. Closing the door behind her, and locking it, she went straight to the kitchen to grab a soda. Then, giant bag of books in tow, she descended into the basement and threw herself onto the bed, exhausted.
                But she couldn’t sleep. She was going to have to wind down first. Looking warily at the can of caffeine-free soda in her hand she sat up, set the soda on the bedside table and opened her book bag. The three books Eric had given her were sitting on top. She took them out, setting them on the headboard.  Maybe she would read. She reached back and grabbed the books again and looked at them. One was called Story of O by Pauline Reage. Another was The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A. N. Roquelaure, and finally there was one called Carrie’s Story by Molly Weatherfield. They were all dog-eared as if they’d been well read. The first two had boring covers. The third, however, had a mostly naked woman’s backside on it. That’s the one she decided to start with. She was a relatively fast reader and the book wasn’t too long.
                Settling in she began reading. As she read she found herself getting warm and felt the familiar tingling of arousal between her legs. She paused long enough to strip down to her underwear and continued reading. It was tempting to rub herself off, but she refrained. She wanted to know what happened. Before she knew it, she’d finished the book

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