How to Get Dirt

How to Get Dirt by S. E. Campbell Read Free Book Online

Book: How to Get Dirt by S. E. Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Campbell
here, Pickles, ” Miranda said.
    â€œ Me too, ” David said.
    â€œ But we do have something we need to tell you. ”
    Her blood ran cold. What was it? Were they going to tell her that her time here was up? She ’ d had such an awful day already. She couldn ’ t handle the thought of losing her family, too. She gripped their hands harder, as if doing that could keep her with them. Already, she loved them so much.
    â€œ Are you okay, Pickles? ” Miranda asked.
    â€œ Yeah, ” Pickles said, “ just tell me, please. ”
    Both Miranda and David exchanged looks.
    â€œ I ’ m pregnant, ” Miranda said, her face splitting into a grin. “ Isn ’ t that great? That was why I was so out of it today. I wanted to take the test, but I was nervous. ”
    Miranda was going to have a baby. Happiness mingled with sadness . Pickles wasn ’ t sure how she could feel two opposite emotions at the same time, but she could. She was glad Miranda was having a baby, but she knew something else too. In a case like this, she was a replacement child. The moment the baby came, she was going to be moving out.
    â€œ I ’ m so happy for you, ” Pickles forced out , her heart feeling as though it was going to crack in two .
    â€œ I have wanted a baby for so long, ” Miranda said, hugging her close. “ Both of us have. We tried and tried. Then we gave up and decided to adopt, which led us down the road to you. Now we ’ re finally getting what we ’ ve always wanted. A family. ”
    With a smile, Pickles allowed both of her foster parents to hug her. It became official, then . T oday was the worst day ever. She had to talk to Mrs. Beazley. She had to get all of these feelings off of her chest, before they crushed her.
    She knew Mrs. Beazley ’ s number by heart. She had called it often when she was at her old foster home. She had hoped she would n ’ t need to call Mrs. Beazley for help while she was with David and Miranda , yet here she was with the phone in her hand as she sat in her room. Downstairs, she knew her foster parents were watching a funny adult sitcom on television and they would not be up to check on her for a while.
    The phone rang three times before Mrs. Beazley picked up.
    â€œ Mrs. Susanna Beazley, social worker, ” Mrs. Beazley said.
    Pickles could tell by her voice Mrs. Beazley didn ’ t recognize her .
    â€œ Mrs. Beazley, it ’ s Pickles. ”
    Mrs. Beazley ’ s surprised gasp made Pickles smile. Her social worker always managed to make her feel loved.
    â€œ Is everything okay, Pickles? ” Mrs. Beazley asked. “ Your foster parents aren ’ t being mean to you, are they? ”
    â€œ No, they ’ re perfect, ” Pickles said. “ They are so perfect it scares me. I don ’ t know why. ”
    â€œ Could it be, Pickles , you ’ re afraid of being sent away? ”
    The question was an arrow straight to Pickles ’ heart. Amid an unstoppable flow of tears, she told her old friend everything . By the time she hung up the phone forty-five minutes later, she was all cried out but felt much better.

Chapter Ten
    A persistent sound of knocking came from downstairs. Pickles ignored it and continued to draw her picture for art class. Vaguely, she heard Miranda open the door and say something . But it was the familiar voice who answered that brought Pickles ’ head up . Mrs. Beazley ! It was Mrs. Beazley. With a happy cry, Pickles dropped her pencil then left the room at a sprint .
    She hurtled down the stairs, jumped the last three, and then launched herself at Mrs. Beazley with her arms spread wide . Mrs. Beazley hugged her so hard air left her lungs in a squeak . Her heart sang with joy so great it took her breath away .
    â€œ What about me? ” asked a hopeful voice from the doorway .
    Pickles glanced around Mrs. Beazley . Prudence stood behind her , grinning and

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