How to Marry an Alien

How to Marry an Alien by Magan Vernon Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: How to Marry an Alien by Magan Vernon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Magan Vernon
Tags: Aliens, my alien romance series arizona young adult new adult college
1990's cartoon
that she swore was a cinematic masterpiece and far superior to
nothing else on TV.
    I dropped my bag on my desk chair and flopped
down on my bed across from hers. "Classes and then one of Ace's
friends stopped by and picked me up so I could visit him."
    Lucy sat up, smoothing out her hair. "Was
that the dude in the sports car that looked like the lead singer of
one of those whiney punk bands everyone was talking about?"
    I nodded, smacking my lips. "I'm guessing
    "No offense or anything." Lucy pulled her
bare feet up and tucked them underneath her. "Sorry, if your
boyfriend, or fiancé, or whatever is like that."
    I shook my head, letting out a short laugh.
"No, Ace, is definitely nothing like Monte. Thank God!"
    Lucy snorted. "Good! I was hoping I wouldn't
have to deal with a roommate with a D bag boyfriend. My last
roommate dated this guy that swore up and down he was the next big
white rapper."
    I smiled, not because of what Lucy said, but
I thought back to last year when I found out Brody was being sleep
creeped. The good old farmer boy dreamt of being a famous white
rapper. The thought of him in his Carhartt jacket yelling about
hoes and dough, still made me laugh.
    "Yeah, that totally isn't Ace. I think he
would die rather than be associated with anyone who raps. He makes
fun of the music I listen to enough. I couldn't imagine what he
would do near a wannabe rapper."
    Lucy took in a deep breath, still smiling.
"Well that's a relief. How is he doing anyway? Still in the
    "Yeah, it sucks. He should hopefully get out
soon, but I didn't get too much detail."
    The truth was, he wouldn't tell me anything.
Not if he broke a bone, or if he spent days in the goo bath,
nothing. I was just supposed to believe that he was fine even
though Justin informed me on the ride in that Ace was definitely
unconscious for a while.
    Before Lucy could say another word my phone
rang a rockabilly version of Video Killed the Radio Star , my
ringtone for when I got a video message. I wanted it to be Ace, but
knew it wouldn't be.
    Mom . Ugh. I talked to her briefly
after the accident, but nothing in length. Justin informed me that
since it was a Circe vehicle and we didn't want her questioning
anything with Ace's injuries, or calling insurance, to just say it
was minor and that my dad came and picked us up.
    I slid the screen on my smartphone and opened
the video chat icon. "Hey, Mom."
    As always, she was way too close to the
screen. I swore I could see every single one of her nose hairs.
    "Hey, Alex," she practically yelled into the
phone. "How are you doing? How was your first day of classes? Tell
me everything!"
    "Whoa, slow down there, lady." I held the
phone as far as I could away from my face, for fear of hearing loss
from her yelling. She needed to learn that one didn't need to yell
on a video chat, and fast, before I went deaf.
    "I'm just excited to actually talk to you.
After your accident I was worried sick, even if it was just a
scratch! How is a mom supposed to concentrate when her newly
engaged daughter has an accident and starts college all within a
few days? It's a lot to take in."
    I rolled my eyes, hoping she couldn't see it
with the pixilation of the screen. "Yeah, I'm the one living it so
I understand. Sorry I didn't call earlier. I've been busy."
    I looked up to see that Lucy had turned off
the TV and was putting her laptop in her bag.
    "Going somewhere?" I looked over the phone at
my roommate.
    "Why would you ask me that? Do I look dressed
up?" mom yelled from the phone.
    "No, ma, talking to my roommate," I
    "Oh! Let me say hi to your new roommate!" mom
    "Fine." I turned the phone toward Lucy.
    "Hi, Alex's new roommate!" mom yelled and I
could just picture her waving frantically.
    "Hey, Alex's mom." Lucy slung her bag over
her shoulder and did a little wave in the direction of the phone.
"Would love to stay and chat, but I'm going to head down to the
Union for an Americano."

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