How to Marry an Alien
stared at each other for a
split second before they burst into laughter.
    "Alex, that is the funniest thing I've heard
you say!" Ace breathed out between laughs. "You can just be honest
and say she isn't into aliens instead of something ridiculous like
    I pulled away from Ace, holding my hands out.
"Whoa, are you saying you don't believe my roommate is actually
    "Isn't that what he just said?" Monte
    Ace ignored Monte and turned his body toward
me, the smile leaving his face. "I'm just saying that it seems
highly unlikely that a woman would prefer the company of another
woman unless they were using it for power like women do on
    I narrowed my eyes, placing my hands on my
hips. "Well, boys, this isn't Calta and there are plenty of women
that enjoy the company of other women and guys that prefer other
guys as well."
    Monte and Ace both shared a collective
    "Really? This shocks you guys? You haven't
watched enough human movies to figure that out?" I rolled my eyes.
It was getting ridiculous with the two of them.
    "I thought that was just acting." Monte
    "Gah, you guys are ridiculous!" I threw my
hands up in the air.
    Ace looked down at me and then back up at
Monte. "As much fun as this conversation is, do you mind giving us
a moment?"
    Monte let out a big, overdramatic sigh.
"Fine, I guess I can tell when I'm not wanted."
    "Would you rather I ravage Alex with you
still in the room?" Ace arched an eyebrow while he smirked. The
combination of the two looks sent a warm, electric buzz through me
that wasn't even the result of his touch.
    Monte shook his head. "I'll pass." He turned,
calling out before he left the room. "Just let me know when you are
done." He shut the door behind him with a resounding thud that
echoed through the room.
    "And now that I have you alone." Ace turned
his attention from the door and his gaze was back on me. He moved
his other arm around my waist and pulled me as close as we could
be. Tilting his head down, he pressed his forehead to mine,
inhaling a deep breath through his nose. "Only a few days without
you and I thought I was going to fall apart."
    "You fall apart?" I lifted my eyebrows,
wrapping my arms around his neck. "I was so worried that I hurt
you. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I would have
been your demise."
    Images briefly flashed in my head of all the
times I had to save him: the queen's threats, Simone throwing him
against the wall in the coffee shop, but those weren't directly
caused by me. Okay, maybe indirectly since they were mad about our
relationship, but this time it was me that caused the accident that
could have killed him.
    "Hey." Ace's left hand moved from my back to
run his fingers along my jaw line. "Accidents are just that,
accident. You didn't do it on purpose. These things happen,
Princess, and they are beyond our control."
    "But look at you. It's been days and you have
been stuck in the infirmary. I was so scared that the worse had
happened." I tried to keep the fear out of my voice, but the words
came out shaky.
    "Don't talk like that, Princess. In fact..."
His words were nothing more than a whisper on my lips. "Don't talk
at all."
    And that was all I needed to put the images
in the back of my mind. The thoughts of aliens coming after us and
all the craziness that surrounded me to just enjoy the moment were
my lips met his.

Chapter 9
    My first online class of the summer and I
skipped it. I figured spending time with my alien was more
important than watching an online discussion when I could just
catch up on the chat transcript later anyway.
    Monte drove me back before my dad or anyone
else knew I was at Circe. I wanted to see my friends that I hadn't
seen since last summer, but technically I wasn't even supposed to
see Ace until he was released. But wasn't like I was a very good
rule follower when it came to my alien.
    "Hey, where you been all day?" Lucy was
sprawled across her bed, watching a re-run of some

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