Howling at the Moon: The Complete Series
    “They’re wolves, for Christ sake,” I muttered as I lathered up for the third time. From head to toe, I washed myself for what felt like an eternity until the water turned cold and forced me from the tub.
    I threw my clothes in the washing machine and put in way more detergent than I should have. I didn’t want his scent anywhere near me.
    Dressing in pajama pants and an old t-shirt, I popped the cork on a bottle of wine I’d purchased. I just wanted to eat some junk food and go to sleep.
    I sat in the living room with my feet curled under me, thinking of how I needed to change my life. Today was a sure sign that my decision-making skills were too easily compromised when the male species was involved. How had I missed that he was married?
    I thought back, trying to recall if I’d seen a ring on his finger, but that was still no excuse. The absence of a ring was not a free-for-all, and I still needed to use my better judgment.
    I enveloped myself in these deep thoughts as I drank my wine. I was so caught up in them that I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a knock at my door.
    I was unable to move, paralyzed by fear that it was the adulterer coming to apologize.
    “Jaime, its Warren.”
    Hearing his voice allowed my heart to start beating again. Opening the door, I wasn’t too concerned about how I looked anymore. Once a man inserts his finger inside you, I figured it was pretty safe to say they knew you.
    “Hi,” was all he could say when he saw me with a wine glass in my hand. He came bearing gifts.
    “What’s that?” I asked, referring to the cake dish in his hand.
    “Pecan pie that you didn’t get to eat last night. May I come in?”
    I thought about it. I wasn’t sure if I should allow him inside after everything I had been through today. But he was safe. I remembered the picture of my grandma and his grandfather, and all my trust came back. But I still needed something from him before I allowed him to enter.
    “On one condition,” I said at last.
    He tilted his head to the side and smiled. “And what’s that?” I’m sure he thought it was something naughty, but on the contrary; I needed something longer-lasting than that.
    “I need you to tell me the truth about everything, including you and this town.”
    His smile faded. A few moments passed. I could see he was debating whether he wanted to open up or not.
    “Okay, fine,” he said at length. “I’ll tell you everything I know.”
    I let him inside and locked the door. This was guaranteed to be a long night.

    “H ow long has your family been here?” I had a million questions, and if he was willing to answer them all, then I was going to ask each one.
    “Hundreds of years,” he said, taking a sip of the wine I’d poured him. Both of us were now on the couch facing each other with wine glasses in our hands. “We were the original settlers of this land.” He looked proud of this, but it seemed as if he was holding back.
    “Is your entire family like... this?”
    He knew what I meant, and he nodded in reply. So, Grandma did know about them, or at least, I guessed she did.
    I tried to remember back to the things we’d done on our short trips to Hillston. It was so long ago that I couldn’t remember anything except swimming in the lake.
    “You look beautiful when you do that.” He smiled as I noticed I was twirling my hair around my finger, something I did when I was deep in thought. He was checking me out, but I needed to get some things out of the way first.
    “Are you married?” I asked him. His laugh filled up the entire room.
    “No. I haven’t found the woman that fits me... yet.” He took a gulp of his wine when he said that, and I wasn’t sure what he was implying, so I moved on with my questioning.
    “What’s your relationship to Mo?” I looked away when I asked him that. I could still feel Mo’s tongue wriggling around my clit, begging me to cum in his mouth. I tried to shake off those

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