Hunter - Big Girls & Bad Boys

Hunter - Big Girls & Bad Boys by D. H. Cameron Read Free Book Online

Book: Hunter - Big Girls & Bad Boys by D. H. Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. H. Cameron
fight one if my country asks me to. I’m not the enemy but sometimes I feel like protesters lose sight of the real enemy in favor of demonizing men and women like me. They forget that I might kill for a living but those I kill would happily kill all of us if they could,” Hunter told me.
    “I can’t argue with that. I never saw members of the military as the enemy,” I told him.
    “I know. But you do see us as victims. Generally, we volunteered for this. I knew what was going on when I joined. So do most of the guys I serve with. I’m not a victim, Mel,” he told me.
    “I know...enough of this, okay?”
    “Too much?” Hunter asked me.
    “I just need to grind on it a while. I think you’re right. We’re not that far apart,” I told him.
    “Sorry. I didn’t mean to monologue,” Hunter told me.
    “No, I probably deserved it after my speech at dinner back in the fall. On the other hand, I didn’t walk out when you droned on,” I said playfully.
    “Well, it is your dorm room so...,” Hunter replied. I smiled at him.
    “You want to fuck again?” I asked him. I was eager to indulge myself in this man. Though we talked about our differences, I really could care less laying here with Hunter. He was a good man and though we didn’t agree on our philosophy, I found it didn’t matter. Some things are more important.
    “You’re insatiable, Mel. You’re going to wear me out,” Hunter joked.
    “Suck it up, grunt!” I told Hunter as I rolled him onto his back and straddled him. He sat up on his elbows and kissed me.
    “Yes, ma’am,” he replied. Corny military references? For sure. But I enjoyed our free and easy banter. It seemed there was little we could say to one another that would upset the other...our first date notwithstanding. I wished we could just stay like this, naked and alone or at least alone without the troubles and tragedy of the real world to intrude.
    We made love again that night and slept in each other’s arms after. In the morning, Hunter and I rose early. We’d had plenty of sleep. I guess that’s what happens when you lock yourself in a room in the middle of the day. You end up going to sleep rather early.
    I was nervous but not overly so. I enjoyed Christmas even if the holiday at home with my parents wasn’t all that peaceful. In fact, I kind of missed the whole process. I hadn’t decorated my dorm room since I was a freshman. I usually went home but even when I didn’t, like this year, it just wasn’t a priority.
    The dorms were mostly empty and it was easy to sneak Hunter into the girls’ showers with me. We showered together but resisted the temptation to do more. After our shower, we dressed and left to go to Hunter’s home. I was in fresh clothes and Hunter assured me he would change once we got there.
    “Your family is going to know what we did,” I observed as we drove across the city.
    “So?” he wondered.
    “So, you don’t mind?” I asked.
    “My family is pretty open minded. I’m an adult and my folks don’t have any illusions that I’m some kind of a choir boy,” Hunter explained.
    “I see,” I replied.
    “Does it bother you?” he asked. It did for some reason. I considered why I worried about what his parents would think knowing we’d had sex.
    “I don’t want them to think poorly of me,” I told him.
    “You don’t want them to think you’re easy,” he remarked.
    “Yeah, I guess,” I told him. I wanted to make a good impression and that surprised me.
    “You are easy,” Hunter said and smiled at me. I slugged him in the arm. “Don’t worry, they aren’t like that. You’ll see,” he assured me.
    “Okay. I’ll try to relax,” I said and took a deep breath. I so wanted to make a good impression on Hunter’s family. I barely knew the man but I couldn’t deny that I liked him. I wanted his family to like me in return. We arrived

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