Hunter's Fortune (River Jewel Resort Series Book 2)

Hunter's Fortune (River Jewel Resort Series Book 2) by Madison Sevier Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hunter's Fortune (River Jewel Resort Series Book 2) by Madison Sevier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Sevier
bitter and angry, you’d give people a chance. Maybe you wouldn’t jump to conclusions and assume the worst in people.”
    “Well, maybe you should look at how you treat your employees and you’d see that you indeed are a bitch. Y’know, if I had known who you were, I’d have left you stranded like you’ve left your drivers stranded.”
    “Are you serious? I just told you I didn’t do any such thing. I signed the checks! I also told you that I’m the one who’s losing everything and still you have the nerve to say these things to me? Well, Mr. Michaels, I wish I could say it was a pleasure meeting one of my employees, but clearly it wasn’t. If there’s still a company after the first of the year, you can hand in your resignation. I won’t have anyone working for me who treats me like you have. Good day and good luck!”
    Hunter marched out the door and didn’t look back. She made it to the corner before she realized she’d once again been crying.
    “God, what an asshole!”
    Chapter Five
    “Are you okay, my dear?” Scarlet appeared out of nowhere and placed a hand on Hunter’s shoulder.
    “No, and don’t touch me. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but, I’d like to leave. This crazy town is just as weird as your crazy resort! In fact, I think I’ll be checking out once we arrive back.”
    “I’m sorry you’ve had such a horrible experience. We try to make sure our guests get everything they need.”
    As they strolled through town, Scarlet continued. “Hunter, do you know why you’re here?”
    “Honestly? No. Other than a string of horrible luck, being broke, getting screwed over by my boyfriend and basically being hated by my employees and stockholders, I can’t think of anything else.”
    “Did it ever occur to you that all of that was supposed to happen?”
    “How? Are you saying I was destined to have a shitty excuse for a father and an absent mother? If that’s the case, I sure got the shaft!”
    “Sometimes we can’t control what happens to us. But we can control how we react to those circumstances.”
    “Why must you speak in riddles? This whole place is a big damn puzzle. Nothing makes any sense! How could I be destined to arrive at this resort where everything up is actually down and how could being berated and hated actually be part of my so-called destiny? Why do you stand there so superior when you’re the reason I just sat through the most horrible cup of hot chocolate I’ve ever had in my life!”
    “Can you hear yourself? It’s all about you, isn’t it? You’re broke, you’re abandoned, and you’re screwed over. Stop! Just for one moment, stop! It isn’t always about you, Hunter. It’s time you realized that. Until you do, your life will continue to be one big shitty shafting.”
    Hunter stood there speechless. What the hell was wrong with all of these people?
    “Screw you, Scarlet. You and your mumbo-jumbo, crazy talk can go to Hell. I’m done.”
    Scarlet laughed. “I’m not surprised. That’s what you do. You run. Just like your mother. When things get tough, you run away. You ran here, didn’t you?”
    “You bitch! You don’t know anything about me! How dare you stand there and speak to me like that.”
    “Really?” Scarlet’s deep brown eyes narrowed as she continued. “My dear, I think this is exactly how you should be spoken to. You’ve obviously been spoiled your entire life. You treat people horribly. For example, let’s take a quick look at Javier and what happened when you arrived.”
    The woman raised a hand and the scenery changed.
    “What the...”
    Before her eyes, Hunter watched a replay of her arrival at the River Jewel Resort. She saw the moment as Javier walked up to her. He hadn’t appeared out of thin air. Hunter had been distracted when she’d gotten out of the car. She’d been looking up at the massive resort. Javier had simply walked to her from the veranda and Hunter had snapped at him, treated him like he

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