Thebuildingitselfhadaconcretecore,anditwasfromthiscellwithinacellthatIbegantryingto unravelmypredecessor ’swebofdeceit.Lateintothatfirstnight,Icalledsecretphonenumberswhich telephone companies didn’t even know they hosted, assembling a special team of cryptographers, analysts,archivistsandfieldagents.
glareof24-hournewscameras.Thefollowingday,thenewRiderandhissmallgroupof partizans launchedtheirowncampaignacrossEurope,doingbattlewithwhatturnedouttobethemostserious
cordwood,Istillcouldn’tsleep.Onenight,chasingdownastaleleadinPrague,Iwalkedforhours throughtheoldcityandforcedmyselftotakestockofwherewewere.Bymyownstandards,shorn
ofallcomplications,Ihadfailed–aftertwentymonths’unremittingworkIstillhadn’tdiscoveredthe methodbywhichtheRussianswerepayingtheagentsofours–thetraitors,inotherwords–theyhad corrupted.
The money trail remained as mysterious as ever and, unless we could track it successfully, we would never know how far the plumes of infection had spread. As a result, I resolved to throw everything we had at the problem but, in the end, none of that mattered: it was a shy forensic accountantandadoseofserendipitythatcametoourrescue.
Ploughingonelasttimethroughthemountainofmaterialseizedfrommypredecessor ’sLondon
homebeforeitvanishedintoTheDivision’sarchives,theaccountantfoundahandwrittengrocerylist stuckinthebackofachequebook.Abouttothrowitaway,heturneditoverandsawitwaswrittenon
the back of a blank FedEx consignment docket – strange because none of our investigations had shown any evidence of a FedEx account. Intrigued, he called the company and discovered a list of pick-upsfromtheaddress,allofwhichhadbeenpaidforincash.
AlArabhotelinDubai.ItquicklytranspiredthatthenameoftherecipientontheFedExdocketwas fake,andthatwouldhavebeenanendtothematter–exceptforthemomentofserendipity.Awoman
I called the hotel under the guise of an FBI special agent attached to Interpol and convinced the managertoexaminetheirfilesandgivemethepassportdetailsoftheguestwhohadbeenstayingin suite1608ontherelevantdate.
It turned out to be a person called Christos Nikolaides. It was an elegant name. Shame about the man.
for his body. But money probably helped, especially with the women he liked to run with, and ChristosNikolaidescertainlyhadplentyofthat.
convictions but a significant involvement in three murders and a host of other crimes of violence.
Thirty-one years old and a Greek national, he was the eldest son of uneducated parents who lived outsideThessaloniki,inthenorthofthecountry.It’simportanttostress‘uneducated’here,asopposed tostupid–whichtheymostcertainlywerenot.
In the following weeks, as we delved deeper into his life, the family became increasingly interesting. A close-knit clan of brothers, uncles and cousins, the family was headed by Christos’s sixty-year-old father, Patros – the family’s ruthless enforcer. As they say in Athens, he had a thick jacket – a long criminal record – but this had been accompanied by great material success. An
Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
Etgar Keret, Ramsey Campbell, Hanif Kureishi, Christopher Priest, Jane Rogers, A.S. Byatt, Matthew Holness, Adam Marek
Saxon Andrew, Derek Chido