lunch including 1 cup of carbs with a protein.
Protein with salad or vegetables for dinner.
On the Seventh Day
Have fun and indulge yourself .
Of course, I can’t eat perfectly every single day, and I don’t expect you to be perfect, either. None of us live in a test-tube, and life happens. Maybe you have a business dinner one night, or you get stuck in traffic, or you’re really backed up with work. When something happens to throw you off course, just be sure you get back on track the next day—no excuses!
Kelly’s Cardinal Rule
Eat to live well, not to survive.
Finally, I try not to eat after eight o’clock at night unless it’s for my work. I do try to eat with my girls as often as I can before I go out. I’m not in fourth grade and I can’t say that I eat at 6:30 p.m. every night, but if you invite me to a late dinner, you would have to be the funniest person on the planet for me to accept!
When I break my own rules, I get into trouble—a lesson I learned the hard way. In 1996, I had one week before going to St. Bart’s to do a photo shoot for Elle magazine, and Gilles, my husband at the time, would be the photographer. One of my friends had gone on a no-carb diet for five days and lost weight, so I decided to try it. How bad could it be? I worked out every day as usual and didn’t eat any carbs the entire time. My face looked visibly thinner, but by the fourth day I felt weak. On the sixth day, as we boarded the flight at 6:00 a.m. for St. Maarten, where we would change planes for St. Bart’s, I was exhausted. I took a bag of Snyder’s of Hanover pretzels (my five days of no carbs were over) with me in case I got hungry, but I didn’t really recognize my own hunger anymore; I just felt tired. We flew all day and when we landed it was hot. I ate a little fish that night and went to bed early because my head was pounding. The next day when I was getting my hair and makeup done, I felt faint. I had absolutely no energy, my smile was upside down, and I was very quiet. Gilles, who usually couldn’t get me to stop talking, realized that something was wrong. His nickname for me is Kiki, and I overheard him remarking to the stylist, “Kiki isn’t being Kiki.” As soon as we’d completed the first shot, in a graveyard, no less, my husband threw me in the water to cool down and to make me laugh again. No carbs is no bueno ! Lesson learned.
We all have occasions when we want to lose a few pounds quickly. We just need to do it the right way. Here’s what I keep in mind today: A Real Supermodel Diet nurtures and restores, it doesn’t deprive. That’s the philosophy for The KKB 3-Day Supermodel diet:
The KKB 3-Day Supermodel Diet
Cut out oils, alcohol (in a glass and in your food), sugar, nuts, salt, and caffeine—no cheating.
For breakfast have 2 oranges or Kelly Green Juice .
For lunch have brown rice or a grain without sauce, chicken, and vegetables.
For dinner have steak, chicken, or shrimp with steamed spinach and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Drink a glass of water with lemon juice after dinner.
Switch your plates: Make your dinner plate your salad plate and vice versa for portion control.
Chew your food 8 times instead of 3 or 4.
Brush your teeth and chew mint gum as soon as you finish eating. When your mouth is fresh and minty you’ll be less tempted to eat again.
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day—any more can cause water intoxication.
Take a multivitamin every day.
Do 20 minutes of light, restorative exercise—biking, walking, yoga, Pilates—every day.
Sleep 8 hours every night.
Nurture yourself: have a mani-pedi, take a bath, use a body scrub and baby oil, blow out your hair, put on eyeliner and mascara, and blush your checks.
Meet Kelly’s Food Plate
I’m sure you’ve heard all about the food pyramid (now morphed into the food plate) that the USDA created in order to guide us toward a healthier diet. I strongly urge you to eat everything on your plate so that you don’t wind
Kate Corcino, Linsey Hall, Katie Salidas, Rebecca Hamilton, Conner Kressley, Rainy Kaye, Debbie Herbert, Aimee Easterling, Kyoko M., Caethes Faron, Susan Stec, Noree Cosper, Samantha LaFantasie, J.E. Taylor, L.G. Castillo, Lisa Swallow, Rachel McClellan, A.J. Colby, Catherine Stine, Angel Lawson, Lucy Leroux