I Kill Monsters: Fury (Book 1)

I Kill Monsters: Fury (Book 1) by Tony Monchinski Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: I Kill Monsters: Fury (Book 1) by Tony Monchinski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Monchinski
Tags: Horror, Action, vampire, Vampires, Monsters, splatterpunk, horror noir, tony monchinski
her a whore. Woman enjoyed her body,
that’s all.”
    “Let me guess,” offered Jay, “you got
daughters, right?”
    “Why you be askin’?”
    “Because only a dad with a little girl at
home is gonna come up with some bullshit justification like
    Santa Anna scoffed.
    Jay was the shortest man in the van at barely
five and a half feet, a dark skinned Hispanic with a Caesar
haircut. He continued, “Listen, Bowie— your footsteps will always fall here along England’s greenest hills ? How the fuck does
that compare to your candle burning out before your legend did? Mierda ! What kind of bullshit is that?”
    “You know who you’re talking about here,
right?” asked Santa Anna.
    “Princess Di?” Jay shook his head. “Fuckin’
Brit intelligence whacked her. You watch. It’ll come out, mark my
    “No, Elton John.”
    “Elton John killed Di?” Jay looked puzzled.
He lit a Moore and inhaled. “ De que estas hablando ?”
    “No, man,” Bowie shook his head. “You’re
bashing my boy E.”
    “Who gives a flying fuck about Elton
    “ Sir Elton John,” corrected Bowie.
“ Sir .”
    “This guy, Santa Anna,” Bowie looked to Santa
Anna and feigned indignation. “No taste. ‘Who gives a fuck about
Elton John’?”
    “He’s queer, ain’t he?” asked Jay. “And you
know what, Bow, quite honestly, your own little infatuation with
‘Sir’ Elton here is a little fruity if you ask me.”
    Santa Anna nodded his head, “True that, but
what’s even weirder is you analyzing the lyrics man…”
    “Oh, you never analyzed lyrics before
    “Not Elton John’s.”
    “ Lo que sea .”
    A thin line of drool connected Boone’s mouth
to the floor.
    “ Sir Elton John,” said Bowie. Then,
trying his best to open a can of worms, he asked Jay, “Speaking of
infatuation. What’s with this new lady in your life, Jay?”
    “ Mierda .” Jay took a long drag on his
Moore and held the smoke. When he let it out he spoke. “She’s…she’s
nothing like any other woman I ever met before.”
    “Sounds like someone’s in L-O-V-E,” Santa
Anna said to Bowie.
    “I can’t put it in words, man,” admitted Jay.
“She’s…she’s just, I don’t know, different than all the
others, right?”
    “Different how? She got three tits?” asked
    “Now you’re the one being disrespectful,”
noted Santa Anna. “We talkin’ wifey material here, Jay?”
    “Nah, she’s not…I mean, maybe one day,
    “We all been there, man,” nodded Santa Anna,
thinking of Tanji at home. “You enjoy it, now, you hear?”
    “No, it ain’t like that—I been in love
before. This is…she ain’t like other women.”
    “What?” Boone was awake. “She put her finger
up your ass or something?”
    “Sleeping beauty arises from her slumber,”
greeted Bowie.
    “But she ain’t lookin’ any prettier,” added
Santa Anna.
    “Nah, it ain’t like that Boone…” Jay didn’t
look like he liked Boone kidding around about his woman.
    “Well then, you ain’t felt shit yet ,
Jay,” Boone yawned. “Not till you got yourself in there balls deep,
and she digs in with that index finger, right up to the second
digit, tickle your prostate. Shit becomes clear then, like the
meaning of life and—”
    “What were you dreaming about?” asked Santa
    Boone cocked an eyebrow.
    “In your sleep,” said Santa Anna. “You were
making a lot of noise. Fidgeting around.”
    “Ah, that was nothin’,” Boone waved it away,
then coughed. “Jay, you gotta smoke those shits in here? Can’t you
at least smoke a man’s cigarette?”
    Jay offered Boone a middle finger.
    “That’s what I’m talking about, Jay,” Boone
grinned. “Right up to the second knuckle. By the way, what the fuck
are we listening to?”
    “Madison’s fucking with us,” said Bowie.
    Boone punched the wall that separated them
from the driver’s compartment. The music got louder.
    “Fuck,” he put his hand on his

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