
InstructionbySeduction by Jessica Shin Read Free Book Online

Book: InstructionbySeduction by Jessica Shin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Shin
when it came to
beverages. Leah took one and took a long chug, hoping it would help her with
her comfort-zone issues.
    “Thirsty?” the guy said with a laugh.
    The room quieted down as the movie got going. It was a
high-action testosterone fest but had some good one-liners that Leah would have
enjoyed if the guy’s hand hadn’t continued to rub up and down her thigh, slowly
working its way inside and dangerously close to her crotch.
    Leah took another long drink. Events she wished she could
forget from days gone by flitted through her mind. Guys would come on to her
and whether she liked them or not she just let them roll her over and do
whatever they wanted. Standing up for what she really wanted was an unknown
    Leah thought of what she would have done if Hale hadn’t come
into her life two days earlier.
    I would let this loser put his hands wherever he wanted
and not say one damn word to stop him .
    Leah excused herself to the restroom, leaving Mr. Hands to
himself. She walked through the trailer to the other end, through the kitchen
and into the bathroom. She splashed water on her face and looked in the mirror.
    “This isn’t what Hale meant,” she told herself out loud.
“The comfort zone challenge is about challenging yourself to improve, not to
betray yourself.”
    Leah raised a towel to dry her face and could smell the
dankness of it four inches away. She gagged and set the towel down. She had
decided she was going to use her shirt when a knock came at the door.
    “Just a minute,” she called.
    The handle turned and the door pushed open.
    “Shit!” Leah shouted. “I said just a minute!”
    Mr. Hands let himself into the bathroom anyway, then closed
the door behind him. Leah’s danger sensors sprang into action, causing her
heart to beat uncontrollably and her hands to shake.
    “What are you doing?” she asked, feeling her voice
    “You’re all wet. Got you all hot, huh? Had to come in here and
cool down?”
    Leah wanted to gag. He wasn’t attractive, he wasn’t her type
and the way he touched her made her feel like scratching. The bathroom was
small and he was close to her already but he took another step toward her,
pushing her against the sink. Leah turned her head away as he leaned into her.
Taking that as an invitation, he pushed his body against her and kissed her
    “Please,” Leah said. “We should really get back.”
    “Why? It’s so much quieter in here.”
    Mr. Hands touched Leah’s chin and turned her face toward
him. When his lips touched hers something bad moved though her, like something
dark had passed from him to her. He thrust his tongue into her mouth.
    Floormat. Doormat. You let everyone run over you. Use
you, hurt you. Why not?
    The accusations running through Leah’s head deflated her.
She recalled one of her earlier sexual experiences, a drunken encounter at a
party. She had been intoxicated. He had been more so. She didn’t want him but
she was too afraid to say no.
    So she let him push her into a back room and take her
clothes off in the darkness of the corner. There wasn’t even a bed, just the
hard floor.
    Mr. Hands reached down and unzipped his pants.
    Fuck the comfort zone.
    “Zip yourself back up,” Leah said. “You’re not getting anywhere
    “I said zip yourself back up. And take your hands off me.”
    “Come on. I heard you’ve been…you know…opening up to life.”
    Anger burned through Leah like nothing she’d ever felt
before. Either Kelly had said something or she’d talked so loud someone had
overheard her. Now this jerk thinks he can capitalize on that?
    “You’re not anything I want to open up,” Leah said. “Now get
your fucking hands off me.”
    The guy raised his hands and took a step back.
    “Sorry. I thought you were down with it when you didn’t stop
me in the living room.”
    “My mistake.”
    There was a zipping sound as Mr. Hands returned his zipper
to its upright

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