I Use To Love You: A Hood Chick's Revenge

I Use To Love You: A Hood Chick's Revenge by Shaun Wanzo Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: I Use To Love You: A Hood Chick's Revenge by Shaun Wanzo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaun Wanzo
before I got to Ivan and Kim K.

Chapter 7     
    It took me over an hour to drag that long and heavy amazon bitch down into the basement. Even after shooting her multiple times and stabbing her through the neck, I still enjoyed making her head bounce off every step. I left her lying on the cool basement floor behind the water heater and some pipes. Rest In Piss bitch. I went back upstairs and cleaned up blood, shell casings, and everything that got knocked around during our scuffle. Once I was satisfied that there was no evidence of a crime scene, I lit some candles in the upstairs bathroom, put on my future husband Trey Songs, and soaked my ass in the bathtub until the water got cold.
    I don’t know what hurt more as I laid in there with my eyes closed and my reloaded strap resting on the ledge of the bathtub. My heart, throat, and pride were all bruised and battered. But I took the time to plot my next move. As badly as I wanted to hunt down Ivan and Kim K., I needed to get rid of the Escalade and stash the book bags full of dope. All it takes is one mistake to get jammed up in the streets.
    I put enough make-up on my neck to hide the bruises the amazon freaky bitch left behind. I got dressed in a pink and black Nike sweat suit and some matching Air Max. I had to stay looking cute but I also wanted to be comfortable enough to beat somebody’s ass. It was completely dark outside when I parked the Escalade in the alley next to the garage. Which worked out perfectly as I made trips back and forth with loads of my clothes. As much as I hated the idea, I knew I could never come back to the house again. There was a tall African looking bitch stanking up the basement. And too many muthafuckas would know where to find me.
    Before I drove off I took a long look at the only place that ever really felt like home. Ivan had given me the only stability I’d ever known. Then in a blink of an eye, his punk ass snatched it from me. He gave my life to the bitch that was supposed to be my best friend. I shed a couple of tears as I started the truck’s engine. Both of them muthafuckas were going to pay for their betrayal. I drove away betting my life on it.
    After I rented a storage unit to stash the dope in, my next destination was this chop shop on the south side of the Mil. It was owned by this Puerto Rican cat, Pido. I knew he would be ready to bust a nut in his pants, the moment I rolled up in that big boy. Which worked out for me because I needed to get the hot muthafucka off for as much ash as possible.
    Pido was a businessman who wouldn’t ask any questions. And I could trust him not to take sides between me and Ivan if it came down to it. If anything I would probably have the upper hand. Ivan was so arrogant when it came to the spell he had me under, either he never noticed the way Pido looked at me or he just didn’t give a fuck. Every nigga we rubbed shoulders with in the streets looked at me as if they would give up their last just to try it once. Ivan was the only muthafucka that had forgotten I was the baddest of bad bitches. Something he was about to be quickly reminded of.
    Pido was waiting on me when I pulled inside the front of his garage that served as a mechanic and quick lube shop. The legitimate part of his operation that covered for how he made his real money in the back. He opened the door and helped me out of the Escalade.
    “This is the first time I ever saw someone make a brand new Escalade look good.” His eyes roamed all over me, obviously happy to see me without Ivan around. I smiled and batted my eyes flirtatiously. “I was surprised when I got a call from you instead of Ivan.”
    I looked over at a couple of mechanics who were working on different whips on the other side of the shop. Even though they were too busy to pay us any attention. I leaned a little closer to Pido as if it was only for his ears. I wanted him feeling special enough to cater to all of my needs.
    “Ivan left me for

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