I Use To Love You: A Hood Chick's Revenge

I Use To Love You: A Hood Chick's Revenge by Shaun Wanzo Read Free Book Online

Book: I Use To Love You: A Hood Chick's Revenge by Shaun Wanzo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaun Wanzo
foot two. I punched her in the nose and a little blood squirted out of it. I followed that up with jabs to her chin and some hooks that connected to her jawline.
    “Yeah, bitch. Ain’t nuthin sweet when you’re fuckin’ with a gangster bitch.”
    Just when it looked as if I had her dazed, that big ole bitch caught my next punch and slapped me so hard I damn near spun around in place. Then she front kicked me in the stomach with her size twenty. I fell to the floor clutching my gut.
    “You’re such a pretty bitch I don’t know whether to taste that pussy before or after you’re dead.” She licked her lips as if she was imagining how my shit tasted. She pulled the grey hoodie over her head and kicked the flats off her feet.
    I tried to scoot away with eyes toward my strap that had slid across the kitchen floor. It was against the little island in the middle of the kitchen where I kept all of the knives. The ones I used to cut and prep food for the triflin’ ass nigga. I tried to push past the pain in my throat and stomach so I could get to my strap or one of the knives. At least that was the plan.
    “It only turns me on more when you try to run.” That big ass bitch flopped down on my chest in her dark grey cat suit. She used her knees to pin my arms to the floor. And then she grabbed my neck with both hands.
    “I want you to put up as much of a struggle as you can. That shit really turns me on.” Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she began choking me with her bare hands.
    I tried to squirm at first but it was no use. She weighed too much and I was already in too much pain. All I could do was close my eyes and go with it because I didn’t have the energy for anything else. The amazon bitch was strong and her hands were almost as powerful as the wire she tried to choke me with. She was squeezing so hard my brain felt like it would squirt out of my ears. Then an idea came to me. It was the only shot I had. I either played dead or ended up dead. So I made my whole body go limp and cocked my head to the side as much as I could in her big ole bear claws.
    It took a few moments but she let go of my neck and grabbed me by the chin. She shook my head from side to side a few times until she saw I wasn’t waking up. It took everything I had not to cough or gasp for air. I laid still as I could while praying to God she didn’t see my chest move or check my pulse. The freaky amazon bitch was too eager to play in my pussy than to make sure I was dead.
    Once she got my jeans and thong down far enough, she slid two of her fingers inside of my pussy. Those thangs were so long and skinny it felt like I was getting fucked by chopsticks. I clenched my teeth as hard as I could and kept telling myself to relax. She slurped and sucked my juices from her fingers.
    “Ivan was right about how fat and juicy your kitty cat is. You taste just as good as you look. Phat Kat indeed.”
    Her freaky ass buried her face in my pussy and made all types of moaning sounds. I carefully looked down at her lapping up my pussy like a thirsty dog.
    “You nasty bitch!” I screamed as I grabbed her by her head and slammed it backwards on the wooden floor. I pulled my pants up and crawled as fast as I could.
    About the time I swung my strap around to shoot, that freaky amazon bitch was slowly climbing to her feet. She screamed at the top of her lungs as I unloaded the clip in her ass. The silencer made the bullets sound like I was firing off darts. She looked like she was doing some type of dance every time she got hit. She stumbled in my direction and then fell to the floor face first. I slid a butcher knife out of the wooden holder and stabbed her through the back of her neck.
    “Tell the devil what my pussy tastes like, bitch.” I spit on her before turning one of the knocked over chairs upright and sat down on it. I needed to catch my breath. I sat there staring at her dead body thinking about how many more muthafuckas were going to die

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