I Won't Give Up on You

I Won't Give Up on You by F. L. Jacob Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: I Won't Give Up on You by F. L. Jacob Read Free Book Online
Authors: F. L. Jacob
get away as fast as I can to regain control of my temper, I don my helmet, and climb onto my Ducati 1199R. I want to get out of here, but I don’t have a death wish. Safety first, no matter how upset I am.
    Starting the bike I speed off, leaving a black mark from the rear tire in my garage. Turning onto the road, I try to clear my head and enjoy myself.
    Finally having a clear head and my emotions in check, I decide to head into work. Sabrina should be here by now. We work on opposite sides of the building, but we usually cross paths during the day.
    Pulling up to the front of Black Hollywood, I’m temporarily blinded by the camera flashes. Some of the paparazzi yell for me to look their way.
    Taking off my helmet, I forgot how crazy it was in the front of the building. I’m used to pulling in under the cover of the garage. I set my helmet on the seat and walk into the building, greeting the employees as I make my way toward my office. Looking through some paperwork my secretary handed me I’m caught off guard when Lane, Black Hollywood’s July Sweetheart and event planner, snuggles up to my side.
    “Hey, Caston baby, I haven’t talked to you in a super long time.”
    Trying to ignore her, I mumble, “Uh huh.”
    She steps in front of me, stopping me in my tracks and slides her arms around my neck. Her bottom lip protrudes out, and she whines, “Caston, I miss you. You aren’t nearly as fun as you used to be, since shacking up with what’s her name.”
    Before I even have a chance to react, she lunges up on her toes and places a kiss on my lips. I quickly grab her hands from behind my neck and push her off of me. Hearing someone gasp at the end of the hall, we both turn in the direction of the sound.
    Sabrina stands frozen in her spot. Her mouth hangs open with unspoken words.
    “Sabrina!” I yell for her.
    My voice brings her out of her daze, she shakes her head and storms off around the corner out of sight.
    Shoving Lane away a little harder. “Sabina is her name, and you know I’m off limits now, Lane. Fuck, what are you thinking?”
    She keeps trying to get back to me. “Caston, we were so good together.”
    “Lane, you’re done. Get your shit and leave. Don’t ever step foot on BH property again. I will not tolerate your behavior.”
    Hastily getting away from her, I run down the hall. This was a huge mistake. Fuck what was wrong with me? I should have turned my head. I should have moved away as she came near me. Hell, I shouldn’t have even come to the front door today, then I wouldn’t have run into Lane. She was a plaything when I was single. Fuck, back in the day, I would’ve grabbed the bitch and took her into my office for a quickie. Not now, now I love Sabrina, she is my one and only.
    I have to fix this! Taking off down the hall, I turn the corner and run right into Terrance.
    “Sir, what’s wrong?”
    “Terrance, I fucked up. Please, make sure that Lane is escorted off BH property, tell HR I’ve let her go and get the paperwork for her termination started,” I yell as I take off running down the hall to Sabrina’s office and studio.
    I pace back and forth in front of her closed office door and drag my hands through my hair. How would I even explain myself to her? She has every right to kick me to the fucking curb.
    My text alert on my phone makes me jump as I fumble to get it out of my pocket.
    Get the FUCK away from my office.
    I hang my head as I type my response.
    Bre, I’m sorry. I can’t even explain to you.
    Deleting what I just wrote I retype.
    I’m sorry.
    I wait by her door and listen to see if I hear any movement from inside. After what seems like hours, I push myself off the wall and shove my hands in my pockets as I dejectedly walk to my side of the building.
    Entering my office, I slide into my seat and drop my head on the cold desk.
    “Come in,” I say when I hear a soft tap on the door. I don’t even lift my head up because I know it isn’t

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