I'm All Yours
hat can I say ? Although I suppose I could do with losing five pounds , maybe more.”
    “ I wouldn’t say that because you fe lt pretty good in the elevator. I’m not a guy who likes holding skin and bones.”
    Evie felt herself getting flushed again. “Yeah, about what happened in the elevator . I hope you don’t think I go around doing that sort of thing all the time.”
    “Didn’t even enter my mind. It was great , wasn’t it?”
    Evie had to admit it was pretty fantastic.
    “Yea h , I guess getting stuck in the ele vator isn’t all bad,” she said.
    The waiter came back carrying their two entrees and placed the plates on the table , along with a silver dish housing the famous house Parmesan cheese blend.
    “Can I get you another mineral water, sir?”
    “That would be great,” said Kyle.
    When the waiter left, both he and Evie burst out laughing.
    “You laughing about the same thing as me?” asked Evie.
    “The cheese?”
    Evie nodded and laughed again.
    “Should I hide it?” asked Kyle.
    “Nope, you’re safe tonight. You’ve done nothing to piss me off … so far.”
    “While we’re on that topic – c an I say that I’ m sorry about what I did ? I mean standing you up on live TV. It was a shitty thing to do.”
    “It really was , but I guess I shouldn’t have thrown the drink and cheese at you.”
    “And brought out the press…”
    Evie colored up again this time , not from embarrassment but regret. She ’d overreacted to the whole thing , and it had been downrig ht mean to bring along the reporters that night.
    “Let’s agree not to talk about it again,” said Evie.
    “ That’s more than okay with me. H ow’s your food?” asked Kyle.
    “It’s great.”
    “Yeah, mine , too , but I think it needs a little more cheese.”
    He picked up a spoonful and held it above his plate , and they both laughed again.
    *** *
    Kyle watched as Evie finished up the last of her past a. He realized h e’d wronged her for so long . Him thinking she was nothing but a self- centered bitch. A nd after the drink and cheese throwing incident, a bad tempered one , too. Now seeing her in a different light made him feel a complete jerk. He was glad they’d run into one another in the elevator, him finding the Perfect Pairing business card, and him taking the bold step of asking to be matched with her. Yeah, he liked Evie a lot.
    T he wa iter stepped into the room as they finished the last of their pasta .
    “Are we thinking about dessert?” he asked.
    “Oh, I’m alwa ys thinking about it , but I know my dress has gotten tighter while I ate that delicious linguine,” said Evie, sitting back and rubbing her stomach.
    “How about you , sir?”
    “My dress doesn’t feel tight at all, so I think I’ll have some . How about your famous tiramisu trifle?”
    “Excellent choice.”
    “Oh, and bring two spoons because I know Evie’s go ing to want some , to o, once she sees it.”
    “I’ll be right back with that.”
    Kyle leaned back and stretched out anticipating the mouthwatering des s ert , and the rest of the evening in Evie’s company.
    “Do you ever have to watch what you eat?” she asked.
    “Not really. I work out a lot , so it burns up all the calories. And I worry a lot , too.”
    “About what?”
    Boy, he’d set him self up for that one . He wasn’t about to tell her about the problems with his mother. That was off limits. At least until he knew Evie better.
    “Odd stuff … the usual.”
    The waiter returned , put the des s ert in the center of t he table and set down t w o spoons , one in front of him and one beside Evie.
    “Anything else I can get you?” he asked.
    “I thought of something,” said Kyle. In fact, the idea had popped into his head the minute he’d seen Evie walk through the door that evening.  However, he wanted it to be a surprise for her , so he beckoned for the waiter to bend over so he could whisper his request in to his ear , without her hearing a single

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