In Arrears

In Arrears by Morgan Hawke Read Free Book Online

Book: In Arrears by Morgan Hawke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Hawke
my training’s done?”
    Fox pressed what could only be a glass against Roth’s lips. “Drink.”
    Roth took a careful sip. Water...
    “Have you ever given a blowjob?”
    Roth damned near spat the whole mouthful back out. He’d have to do that too? He swallowed the water down, hard. “Eh... I’ve received them?”
    Fox caught Roth’s chin and turned his head back toward him. “I’ll take that as a ‘no’.” He wiped at Roth’s damp lips with a cloth. “Your duties as a courtesan will be very simple. You suck them to erection then let them fuck you in the position of their choice. With your hands and feet disabled, you won’t be asked to do much more than that.”
    Roth rolled his eyes behind his blindfold. “I won’t be able to do much more than that.”
    “And people are willing to pay for this?”
    “They know your condition is temporary. You will be restored to full killing capacity at the end of your term, which is why you will also remain blindfolded.” He chuckled softly. “They don’t want you hunting them down afterwards.”
    Roth frowned deeply. “I still don’t get why anyone would pay to fuck someone that can’t even touch them.”
    “You underestimate your own fierce reputation. They don’t want you to touch them. They want to touch you . You’re booked solid for the next five days.”
    “Eh...?” Roth sat up straight. Booked solid...? A tap on his bottom lip let him know that food was there. He opened his mouth.
    Fox pressed another bit of meat between Roth’s lips. “Your performance this night was exemplary. Not only did four out of the five gentlemen make immediate appointments, we received several phone calls shortly thereafter.”
    Roth swallowed. “How many?”
    “It’s better if you do not know.” Fox swept a cloth across Roth’s lips. “Concentrate on what’s immediately before you and nothing else. It will make the time pass more swiftly.”
    Roth nodded. It was how he handled his battles. Pay attention to the target closest to you. Eliminate, and go on to the next. Don’t think. Just... do .
    Fox tapped his lower lip. “Eat. After your next lesson, you may have your cigarette.”
    Roth turned away briefly. “Great.”
    Fox finished feeding Roth his curried lamb dinner far too swiftly.
    The clink of dishes being set on a tray was followed by a few dabs across his lips from a damp cloth. Fox’s voice called out softly. “Thank you, you may go.”
    A feminine voice whispered in reply. “Yes, Master Fox.” There was a whisper of bare feet on a wood floor, then the soft clack of a sliding door being closed.
    Fabric rustled directly before Roth. “You begin with your tongue.”
    Roth winced. “We’re doing this right now?”
    “Would you rather do this with someone you don’t know and cannot see?”
    Roth turned away. “I can’t see you either.”
    “Ah, but you know what I look like.”
    Roth winced. Yes, he knew exactly what Fox looked like. As if, I could forget... ?
    Fox reached out to cup Roth’s chin. He turned Roth’s face toward him. “Since you cannot see, and you cannot use your fingers, you must learn the shape of your patron with your tongue and lips.” His hand slid up the side of Roth’s cheek to grasp his hair. “Lower your head, my tiger and discover me.” He pushed Roth’s head downward.
    Roth’s forearms landed on Fox’s cross-folded thighs, just barely keeping him from falling face-first into his lap. Something warm and slightly rigid bumped Roth’s cheek. The scent of sandalwood soap didn’t quite cover the rich scent of musk. As though compelled, he turned toward it and his lips made contact with Fox’s semi-hard dick.
    Fox’s fingers tightened in his hair. His voice hissed through his teeth. “Yes, explore me with your lips, and your tongue.”
    Something about Fox’s voice, perhaps the husky way it vibrated, convinced Roth that he was hearing eagerness. A spark of excitement stabbed him deep under

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