In Hot Pursuit

In Hot Pursuit by Joanne Rock Read Free Book Online

Book: In Hot Pursuit by Joanne Rock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Rock
elevator doors opened on the twelfth floor, Lexi stepped out, willing her heart to slow down a few notches.
    â€œI’m this way,” she said, digging her keys out of her purse. She wondered if her four-legged babies would hear her coming down the hall or if they were all fast asleep.
    She stopped at the door of her apartment, not hearing any telltale barks. Maybe she’d be able to visit with Josh for a minute, to at least smooth things over with him, as long as her pets seemed settled.
    â€œThanks for the escort,” she said, her gaze bouncing all over the deserted hallway, lighting anywhere but on him.
    â€œMy pleasure.”
    He stood close enough to remind her of his potent effect, but not so close that she felt crowded.
    She twirled one fringed end of her shawl and searched for a way to end things on a light note. “I mean, I’m not afraid to make the walk by myself, but I’ll admit it’s sort of cool to trek around the city with my own bodyguard.”
    His gray eyes narrowed. A silver light glittered in their depths. “Maybe you ought to put your body in my hands a little more often.”
    Lexi backed up a step, his soft words a deft blow to her defenses. She felt an answering simmer in her veins, a heat that bubbled just below the surface. “That might be a bit of a risk.”
    He edged closer, stealing her breath along with her thoughts. He placed one hand on either side of her, bracketing her against her apartment door. The dominant position made Lexi think about lying beneath him in her bed, his arms levering him above her body as he made love to her.
    â€œHoney, you just let me take all the risks. I’m here to take care of your body, remember?”
    She breathed his scent—smoke and scotch from the bar, but some sort of soapy scent, too—and fought for her balance. She hadn’t been this close to a man for nearly two years.
    And being close to this particular man was a test of self-discipline Lexi wasn’t sure she could pass.
    She’d picked him out at the bar because he had a reckless sort of look, a hint of danger that had appealed to her daring mood.
    Only she wasn’t feeling so daring now. And in spite of that badge, Josh Winger was proving every bit as dangerous as she’d imagined.
    â€œJosh?” All she had to do was tell him good-night. She steeled herself to send him away, to end the heat wave on the twelfth floor.
    Too bad she looked up to find his gaze focused on her mouth.
    â€œHmm?” His answer sounded as distracted as she felt.
    She swallowed, battling the urge to just close her eyes. No words came.
    She licked her lips in a renewed effort to speak. Too late, she realized her mistake.
    The strangled noise he made in his throat wavered between a growl and a groan, a hungry sound that rumbled right through her in the moment before his mouth met hers.
    Her lips parted on a welcoming sigh, her little moan of delight sounding foreign to her ears.
    Hints of a five-o’clock shadow gone rogue scraped her chin and cheeks. His tongue teased over hers in a stroke of warm velvet. The fire she’d been playing with ever since she’d spotted him leapt out of control—inside her body and out.
    The whiskey taste of him drugged her until his hungry mouth went questing down her throat. She shivered at the wet heat of the kiss, and wriggled her way closer to the hard wall of his chest.
    Josh’s hands fell away from the door to hold her against him. He stroked his way down her spine, sealing her body to his with each new inch of sequined territory. His arousal nudged her belly and fed her imagination, making her want to drag him inside and indulge herself in him.
    She thought about dropping her purse and her keys so she could run her hands all over him, soak in the feel of him through her fingertips.
    Before she had a chance, he pried himself away.
    Lexi blinked, confused.
    â€œHoney, I need to know if this is what

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