In the Shadow of Evil

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Book: In the Shadow of Evil by Robin Caroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Caroll
think of that might possibly be relevant? Even if you don't think it's important?"
    She cut her gaze to her sister, then back to him. "We had a bit of an episode yesterday."
    This was like pulling wisdom teeth without Novocain. He leaned forward, inviting her to share. "What kind of incident?"
    "One of the newer residents backslid a little. He got high and had to be restrained."
    Houston looked up from his notepad. "His name?"
    "Gavin Benoit. But he can't be involved because he was secure inside our facility after we found him."
    "When was this?" Houston asked.
    Alana glanced at her sister again. "About one or one thirty."
    Layla nodded.
    Houston continued to scribble notes.
    "Where'd he get the drugs?" Maddox asked.
    Both ladies' reactions screamed out to him. Alana's, panicked and fearful—Layla's, hostile and accusing.
    Interesting. He pressed on. "Did you find the drugs?"
    Alana shook her head. "We searched his room and found nothing. I've opened a full investigation into the incident."
    "He was never on the Hope-for-Homes site." Layla spoke with resolve.
    Why was she so defensive? Just protective of her sister, or was she hiding something? She certainly wouldn't volunteer anything. But maybe he just hadn't asked the right question yet. "So, he had no connection to any of the construction crews?"
    Layla's mouth tightened into a straight line. Score!
    "He did some, but as Layla said, not on the Hope-for-Homes site." Alana crossed her legs at the ankle.
    Houston stood and slipped the pencil behind his ear. "We'll need all his information, if you don't mind, along with the list of everyone here who worked on the Hope-for-Homes house."
    "Sure." Alana stood as well.
    Maddox and Layla rose slowly, cautiously, as they eyed one another.
    "I'll just go get the information from my office. I'll be right back." Alana walked out of the room and down the hall.
    Houston turned to Layla. "We'll also need to come by your office and discuss the house itself. How about Monday around eight?"
    "That's fine."
    Maddox continued to study her. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other and tossed him scathing looks. He swallowed a smile. This was the part of the job he loved—knowing someone hid something and making them extremely nervous until he found out what it was. He could always uncover secrets, no matter how deeply hidden.
    He'd find out what Layla Taylor's was.

    A NEW YEAR . . . a new beginning. New opportunities to do what's right instead of being right.
    For two weeks Pastor Chaney had used the same theme for his sermons. Not that Layla didn't enjoy them—she did—but she'd be glad when January drifted into February and Pastor would find a new focus.
    Then again, maybe not. February's theme was normally centered on love and relationships. Two issues that didn't necessarily go hand in hand, and ones she definitely didn't want to contemplate too deeply.
    She'd failed at both. Miserably.
    Alana nudged her forward. The congregation filled the aisle, pushing toward the double mahogany doors to shake Pastor Chaney's hand. The church remodeling had been concluded three months ago, and Layla was still proud of the end result. Everyone said the church looked amazing.
    All the bodies caused the temperature of the sanctuary of Eternal Springs Christian Church to rise above a comfortable level. Layla couldn't wait for the January chill to cool her.
    She smiled at ladies who gave her curt nods, all too aware that several of the older generation thought her daft for her chosen profession. She smiled wider as Ms. Ethel Thomas grabbed her arm.
    "You performing this week, Layla dear?"
    "Yes, ma'am."
    "You'll do beautifully." Ms. Ethel was so loving. Encouraging. And she'd helped out with Alana after their mother had been admitted to the nursing home.
    "Thank you." Layla gave the woman a hug.
    Ms. Ethel nodded, then gripped her walker with both hands and made it down the aisle.
    Layla followed. Finally she and Alana made it to the

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