In the Shadow of Evil

In the Shadow of Evil by Robin Caroll Read Free Book Online

Book: In the Shadow of Evil by Robin Caroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Caroll
dark, dark brown hair worn in a crew cut. His shoulders were wide enough for him to play for the Louisiana State University Tigers, and he looked like he was solid muscle in the jeans and long-sleeved pullover he wore very well.
    Her sister and the two men simultaneously faced her.
    She continued her approach, taking in both men's silent appraisal of her. She squared her shoulders and moved beside her sister. "What's up?"
    Alana licked her bottom lip. "These are Detectives Wallace and Bishop. Gentlemen, this is my sister, Layla."
    So the police didn't waste any time.
    The older man extended his hand. "Detective Houston Wallace, Ms. . . ."
    She shook his hand. "Layla Taylor."
    She turned to the younger man, then trapped her gasp before it escaped her throat. He had the truest blue eyes, framed by the darkest, longest lashes she'd ever seen on a man. But it was the expressiveness of them that snatched her breath and held it hostage.
    Suspicion hung in the blue irises with rings of accusation surrounding.
    He said nothing, just stood there, staring at her with a stare so penetrating, the urge to squirm nearly strangled her. Tall and dark-haired . . . just like Randy. Layla swallowed, refusing to see any further similarities.
    Detective Wallace cleared his throat. "That's my partner, Maddox Bishop."
    He narrowed those blue eyes at her.
    Had she asked his name aloud? She pinched her lips together. She hadn't meant to speak. It was just that his name was so unusual.
    "Yeah, my name's Maddox. Why?" His voice was as masculine as his appearance.
    "It's nice. Odd. I like it." Oh, splinters! She stammered like a kid.
    He kept his eyes narrowed. "Layla, huh? Sounds like a song."
    Heat spread across her face. "Like I haven't heard that before."
    "So," his partner interrupted, "your sister was just telling us about Second Chances. Sounds like this is a really good program."
    Funny, she didn't believe him. But she also didn't look away from Maddox. The unspoken line had been drawn. No way would she break eye contact first. Childish? Perhaps. But she wouldn't drop her gaze.
    Silence hung heavy over the room, as tangible and cold as the wind whipping outside.
    "Layla, they're here about the Hope-for-Homes house that burned down."
    "I figured," she replied, still not dropping her stare.
    "Is there a place we can sit down and talk?"
    "Certainly, Detective Wallace. Let's go to the reception room. It's this way." Alana's voice cracked, but her footfalls moved toward the hall.
    His two steps squeaked behind Alana's, then he halted. "Bishop?"
    Maddox lifted a single brow at her before he turned to his partner. "Yeah. Coming." He moved alongside Detective Wallace. Together, they followed Alana.
    Layla swallowed. Hard. She hauled in a deep breath, then released it slowly before trailing them. So much had been in Maddox's glare. Distrust . . . accusation . . . loathing. All unwarranted, but his scrutiny had unnerved her just the same.
    Yet she hadn't looked away first. At least she'd won that unspoken challenge.
    But what would she lose now?

    "The best way out is always through."
    SHE WASN'T REALLY STRIKINGLY attractive. Not dainty and petite like her sister—more lean and toned and athletically built. But something about Layla Taylor definitely grabbed his interest. Didn't really surprise him. He found most ladies interested him in some form or fashion.
    And Layla Taylor was hot. At least to him.
    Maddox sat in the chair opposite Houston, with the two sisters sharing a couch between his partner and him. Easier for them to observe the facial expressions of the sisters.
    "You have no idea why someone would have been in the house?" Houston asked.
    "No." Layla flipped her shoulder-length dirty blonde hair over her shoulder. As she did, a whiff of a spicy scent teased Maddox's nostrils.
    He liked women. Lots of women. While Layla Taylor definitely appealed to him, she was different. It was as if just being in

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