Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel

Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel by Nicole Edwards Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel by Nicole Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Edwards
Tags: BDSM, Erotic Romance, public exhibitionism, exhibitionism voyuerism, club destiny
never to expect
anything less than the unexpected.
    Slowly exiting her car,
she tried to force the thoughts away because no matter what little
hope she had left, she knew Tag was clearly out of her reach in any
way that might matter outside of their business
    “ Damn it,” McKenna
muttered as her heels echoed on the concrete floor as she made her
way to the back entrance to the club.
    “ Such dirty words coming
from such a pretty mouth.” The deep, sultry southern twang echoed
around her, and McKenna fought the urge to stop.
    “ What do you want, Murphy?
You have an answer for me yet?” she asked in her cool, professional
tone, remembering the path her thoughts had been leading down for
the last few minutes.
    “ I’ve got plenty of
answers for you, baby,” Tag growled softly, nodding his head toward
the bouncer standing near the back door. The man nodded back,
stepping out of the way so Tag could open the door, allowing her to
walk in ahead of him.
    Such a gentleman.
    It would seem she had
memory problems because instead of remembering why she didn’t want
to like this man, she suddenly wanted to know what he would be like
in bed. Was he the same southern gentleman? The one with the soft,
sweet kisses? Or would that rough, intimidating dark side of his
come out? Shit. Now she wanted to know.
    Once inside, Tag put his
hand on the small of her back, and McKenna damn near stumbled in
her three inch heels. The warmth of his hand seared her spine and
had a direct effect on the sensitive, apparently needy, place
between her thighs. Unsure where he was leading her, McKenna
continued walking until they reached the bar.
    “ Kane,” Tag greeted the
familiar bartender whose name McKenna hadn’t known until
    “ What’s up, T?” The
devilishly handsome, if not intimidating, man greeted. “What can I
get you?”
    “ Get my friend anything
she wants and put it on my tab.”
    Damn him. She was half tempted to glare at him and tell him
that she didn’t need anything from him, other than an answer to her
request from earlier in the day. She didn’t though.
    “ I’ll be back in a few
minutes,” Tag whispered in her ear, the rough, gravelly words
sounding more like a promise than just to inform her.
    “ Take your time.” McKenna
tried to play it cool, tried to pretend like she didn’t care one
way or the other what he did, but the truth was, despite knowing
better, she still wanted to know more about the intensely sexy
    But she wouldn’t be doing
that now. Tag was gone.
    A second later, she saw
him emerge from the crowd as he ascended the stairs to the second
floor. Her eyes were glued to him, unable to detect the stunning
physique she knew was beneath that expensive suit.
    She continued watching him
as he punched in that secret code that would lead him to the kink
and depravity that existed in that other world she wanted to know
so much about.
    Shaking off the thought,
McKenna thanked Kane for her drink and then went in search of an
empty table a little farther from the crowd. As much as she would
prefer to stand, or even walk around, she couldn’t bring herself to
do it. The restless energy made it difficult, but there was no way
she was going to let Tag know how tight he wound her. She had no
idea whether he could see her from where he was, but on the off
chance that was possible, she wasn’t going to give him anything to
use against her later.
    She settled for a table
that allowed a view of the dance floor and sat down. She watched
several of the gyrating couples, wondering whether they even knew
what was on the other side of that door on the second floor. She
certainly wondered.
    Most of these people were
probably too excited about a night out with friends even to care.
With the music blaring and people trying to speak over it, McKenna
managed to get lost in the chaos of the club, rather than wondering
what Tag was doing at that very moment.
    Hopefully he was talking
to Luke about the

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