
Inferno by Casey Lane Read Free Book Online

Book: Inferno by Casey Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casey Lane
– back up sista, what do you mean you hit her with a stun gun?
    Makayla – I didn’t mean to.  It was an accident
    Bella – how in the hell do you accidentally stun gun someone?  And where did you even get a stun gun?
    Makayla – it was a Xmas gift.  Dad thought I needed something for protection
    Jack – and you thought Lex was a danger to you!
    Makayla – I was aiming for the blonde bimbo!
    Jack – I cannot believe you let some random guy, YOU DO NOT KNOW, take Lex!  He could be a serial killer
    Makayla – Sebastian said Ethan would take care of her.  Make sure she was ok
    Bella – not to state the obvious, but maybe Sebastian can call & check on her.  You know, since he is friends with her abductor and all
    Makayla – good thinking, hold on
    Jack – Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Makayla – she’s fine.  Still sleeping.  E shut her phone off so it wouldn’t wake her
    Bella – soooo…now that we know Lex is ok…did you get you some last night ;)
    Makayla – maybe…gotta go
    Jack – SOB!!  I need details!
    The bright afternoon sun is pouring through the white gossamer curtains, and I reach my arm out only to find empty space.  I sit up in bed and take the opportunity to absorb my surroundings.  I am bordered on three sides by bare white walls.  Directly across from me, two white doors act as bookends to the black dresser.  One door is slightly ajar and reveals a stark, white bathroom.  I assume the closed door leads into the apartment.
    The black platform bed is centered along a deep, blood red wall.  I sit up on my knees to get a better look at the three portrait style photographs that are unmistakably meant to be the focal point of the room.  Each picture is of the same stunningly beautiful woman.  Her nude body is tastefully posed in a way that nothing is revealed, yet is extremely intimate, and I cannot help but to wonder who she is.  I mulled that around for a few minutes before I gave up and climbed out of bed to face the day.
    “It’s a nice day out.”  Yep, that’s me being a dork.  Ethan just glances at me with a smile that you give when indulging a small child or an incredibly insane person.  In my defense, this is my very first morning after walk of shame.  Ok, so it’s more like an afternoon walk since I slept the morning away.  I did manage to make it to the bathroom to wash last night’s hooker face off before Ethan saw me, and let me tell you it was a good thing too because I was one scary looking mofo.  I could have made a Goth girl look normal.
    Ethan, of course, was gorgeous as always.  His still damp hair indicated that he had taken a shower already.  He had on jeans and a tee that stretched nicely across his chest.  I had donned last night’s pants but paired it with a t-shirt I stole from his closet, one that he will not be getting back.  He just looked at me with his smirk and told me he would drive me home.  I knew in my head that it was going to be a bit awkward after last night, but I was not prepared for this.  It’s not like I was expecting a marriage proposal, but stone cold silence is a bit harsh, don’t ya think.  I get it.  He had an itch that I was available to scratch, but he could at least show some appreciation.  This sucks.  I do not like being a whore as much as I thought I would.
    The ride to my apartment is quiet with neither of us trying to break the silence.  Ethan pulls his big, badass, black Escalade SUV into a space in front of my apartment complex and turns off the engine.  I should probably say something, but I have no idea what.  Instead, I just keep staring out the windshield at nothing.
    “You gonna get out?”
    “Oh yeah, sorry,” I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt.  “Um, thanks for taking care of me last night and for…um…the other stuff too.”  Oh, that was brilliant.  If he didn’t already think I was a complete idiot, I just removed all doubt.  I need a bridge so I can throw myself off

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