Inside Heat

Inside Heat by Roz Lee Read Free Book Online

Book: Inside Heat by Roz Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roz Lee
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
she’d had a hot-blooded male to warm her bed. Her crazy schedule, nights one week, days the next, kept her perpetually short on sleep, and even when she wasn’t tired, she was often exhausted from the emotional stress of her job. That didn’t leave much time or energy for dating – even if she had someone to date.
    Just because she didn’t have time for a relationship didn’t mean some hot sex now and then wouldn’t be welcome. That’s what Jeff and Jason were offering – sex. Nothing more. Men like them weren’t candidates for a relationship. If she could look at the arrangement from the same perspective – not get emotionally involved – maybe it would work out. Maybe she could enjoy what they were offering – if the three of them could find the time.
    Three of them. Suddenly, she felt too warm under the covers. She tossed off the comforter, leaving the light sheet to caress her heated skin. She wiggled until the hem of her Cowboys sleep shirt rode high on her hips. Her fingers snuck low to brush across the hidden bud of nerve endings, sending a wave of longing through her system. It was no use. Touching herself wasn’t anywhere near the same as having long, callused fingers do the touching. Fingers that knew how to make her body sing, knew how to make her forget everything, and want more.
    Megan sat up and flipped on the lamp next to her bed. She picked up the novel she’d begun on her lunch break and slid the card out she’d used to mark her place. The directions to their home were simple enough, just a few turns, and if she weren’t mistaken, more than a few miles of nothing. Unless something had changed, there wasn’t much out where they lived. That didn’t sound like what she expected from big-time athletes, but so far, nothing she’d learned about Jeff and Jason was what she’d expected.
    She slid the card back into the book and turned the light off. This time, she closed her eyes and sleep came easily. She’d made up her mind. In the morning, she’d drive out to Jeff and Jason’s house and see exactly what they had in mind. What could it hurt? She knew enough about them to feel certain that if she said no, they wouldn’t be angry. Heck, they probably did this all the time. She was probably one of dozens who’d been invited to their lair for some kinky sex, then shown the door when the twins tired of the conquest.

    Chapter Four
    Jeff paced the large eat-in kitchen like a caged mountain lion. “She isn’t coming,” he groused at his brother. Jason sat calmly on a stool at the raised bar, using an apple as if it were a baseball, tossing it as high as he could and catching it. The apple was long past edible having hit the floor hard more than once, a testament to his lack of concentration.
    “She’ll be here,” he stated with confidence he didn’t have. “It’s early.”
    “Not that early. She’d be here by now if she were coming.”
    Jason straightened from picking up the apple yet again. A low, familiar hum had his heart racing. Jeff was at the window before Jason could toss the apple back into the bowl. The house faced the main road, and the curved driveway swept under a portico off the kitchen. The house was barely visible from the road, just the way the brothers liked it, but you could see anyone approaching from this vantage point. “See? I told you she’d be here.”
    “Shut up. How many times did you drop that apple?”
    “Okay, you don’t have to rub it in.” Sometimes having a twin who knew you so well was a pain in the ass. “Should we greet her or something?”
    “Yeah,” Jeff said, heading to the leaded glass door that led to the portico, “we should.”
    Jason followed his brother. He’d never seen Jeff so worked up about a woman. Not that he could blame him. It was easy to see Megan was special. She was smart, and kind, and had a tender heart – she’d have to with the kind of work she did. And, she was drop-dead gorgeous. That she didn’t

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