Interrupted Vol 1

Interrupted Vol 1 by S Moose Read Free Book Online

Book: Interrupted Vol 1 by S Moose Read Free Book Online
Authors: S Moose
know what’s best for us. I know what I need to do. Some people think I’m a heartless bastard, yet how am I heartless?
    Pulling out the file from my locked desk, I open it, looking at the pictures from my PI. The pictures capture what I need to see. I touch each one, hoping my touch will be felt. I study each one, memorizing everything I see.
    Call it an obsession. Call it whatever you want.
    I know what I’m doing. I know what I want. And soon I’ll have it.


    “Help me,” I slur, seeing two of Beverly and Natalie. Damn, it looks like four bottles of wine can really fuck you up. But damn, do I feel good.
    “Babe, I’m trying, but you need to help me, too. Natalie, you okay?”
    “Can we please not let her drink this much again?”
    “How do I say goodbye to all of this?” Pushing away from the girls, I walk inside the house and stumble into the living room, breaking down again for the thousandth time tonight. As bad as it is between Henry and me, I’m still a mess. Our lawyers are drawing up our divorce papers, and soon we’ll have to sign off recognizing the dissolution of years of memories and love. “How the fuck do you let go of someone you love?”
    Beverly breathes, taking my hands. “Henry’s an asshole, Cam.”
    “There’s Ayden too,” I slur, shaking my head. “First, Ayden, and now, Henry. I’m going to fucking be the crazy cat woman and sit in the corner rocking back and forth.”
    “Oh, shut up,” Natalie yells. She takes my face in her hands and looks at me, “you’ve been like this for too fucking long. Put on your big girl panties and move the fuck on. I know you think I’m a bitch, but he’s not worth it.”
    “I know,” I whisper, “I know, and you’re right. I’m scared. Henry and I built our lives together though.”
    “I know, Babe,” she moves a strand of my brown hair from my eyes. “I know.”
    We sit on my deck for a little while longer. Natalie brings me a glass of water, but I push it away. The girls talk about Bev’s pregnancy and I instantly feel guilty. I haven’t been there for my friends.
    “How’s work going?”
    “Really busy,” I sigh. Luckily things have been going nonstop at work so I don’t have to dwell on the things around the house or the divorce. At least I won’t have to worry about Henry coming home. Everything of Henry’s is out of the house. The closet we shared for years only holds my things. The empty side taunts me, but I have to be strong. I can’t be with a man like Henry. I deserve more.
    “All right, Babe, well remember: be awesome and text me in the morning.”
    “I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” Natalie says, kissing my forehead. “Remember, you’ll be fine.”
    “Okay,” I mumble, walking them out and heading upstairs to my room.
    Pulling out my phone, I text Sharp. For some reason, I need him to be an asshole to me tonight.
    Me: Are you sleeping?
    Sharp: No. Do you need something?
    Me: Just wanted to talk. My divorce is going through right now. They’re expediting it so we can finalize it ASAP.
    Sharp: Glad you found the balls you need to leave him.
    Me: What does the ‘A’ in your name stand for?
    Sharp: Why?
    Me: Just curious.
    Sharp: Just an initial.
    He’s the most complex man I know, and that’s what attracts me to him. I have no idea what he looks like and it kills me to know I’m falling for someone I don’t truly know. I’ve been asking Natalie and Taylor if there are any pictures of him and both shake their head. Apparently Sharp is a private man. There are no pictures of him online and since he’s away in Europe, I haven’t had the chance to meet him.
    Me: When do you come home?
    Sharp: Why?
    Me: Just wondering =)
    Sharp: Or are you hoping to be a naughty girl with me?
    I instantly blush. This is the first time he’s ever said anything like this to me. We usually flirt dangerously close to unknown boundaries, but this is a first. My heart races and my pussy

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