Invincible (A Centennial City Novel)

Invincible (A Centennial City Novel) by Fionn Jameson Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Invincible (A Centennial City Novel) by Fionn Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fionn Jameson
manner, eyes somewhere over my shoulder, looking at something that was not there. “You’re right. Humans have no right in the vampire court of, such as it is, law. Were I to petition Noir for the name and head of the vampire who turned Shannon, he would have the right to refuse me. And he would. However, if a vampire were to petition him…”
    The bottom dropped out of the stomach and the heady sense of vertigo made it difficult for me to breath.
    “A vampire,” I whispered. “You’re going to petition him as a vampire.”
    The glass dropped, shattered into a million pieces on the polished wooden floor.
    “Yes,” he said, staring at the broken glass. “I am.”

    It seemed bittersweet, to leave the cat in the very capable hands of the elder woman who lived downstairs.
    But Mrs. Graham adored cats (she had four of her own) and Mika seemed to tolerate her well enough.
    I didn’t want to give Mika up, not when it seemed as though we had finally come to some sort of arrangement, something involving cans of albacore tuna and occasional petting accompanied by purring. The night I came back from the Eldridge mansion, head whirring from the confession, I laid down in bed and Mika jumped on my chest, promptly purring herself into sleep. I couldn’t remember the last time I had slept so soundly. I didn’t even have to turn on a light.
    I was making progress.
    And to give that up…
    “And you’ll be back…” Mrs. Graham’s rheumy blue eyes widened. “When exactly did you say you were coming back?”
    I paid the rent four months in advance. If things went well, I would be back in a week. If not… “I shouldn’t be more than a couple of months. I’m very sorry. This should make things a bit easier.”
    She stared at the envelope in my open hand. “What’s this, dear?”
    “It should be enough to help pay for Mika’s lodging.” A lump rose in my throat. I would not cry for a cat. “And perhaps some cans of tuna, every now and again. She seems to like Chicken of the Sea the best.”
    Mrs. Graham closed my hand, the envelope still in it. “Oh, dear, I don’t need that! My retirement pays me well enough and in any case, I can’t imagine one cat eating so much I would have to spend more money on cats than I already do.” She smiled warmly and I basked in the glow. “They’re all I have left now, so I make sure to take care of them the best I can.”
    In a way, it was kind of depressing. “No, please. It would make me feel better.”
    The old woman gave me a piercing look. “Well, if it makes you feel better. But don’t be surprised if you come back and the envelope hasn’t been opened yet. You understand?”
    I did. I understood very well.
    Mika did not bite me as I rubbed her chin, opting to purr, her beautiful amber eyes closed in supreme happiness in Mrs. Graham’s ample arms. “Thank you, Mrs. Graham. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
    “You see that you do,” she said and then added. “Don’t do anything foolish.”
    Don’t do anything foolish.
    “Thank you,” I replied. “I’ll be back for Mika. I promise.”
    She looked satisfied as she cradled the cat against her shoulders. “Promises are made to be kept, aren’t they?”
    “Of course,” I said and felt a bit silly as I waved to the cat when she closed the door.
    The hallway was quiet, and I was loathe to leave the relative safety of the only home I had known for the past five years.
    I thought I would come back.
    And it was that uncertainty that almost undid me.
    Outside, a dark car with tinted windows waited for me. Courtesy of Jason Eldridge. The driver got out of the car, a tall, silent man with wraparound shades, and opened the back door for me before I could get there.
    “Thank you.”
    “My pleasure. May I take your bags?”
    I didn’t carry much, only one duffel bag filled with suitable, comfortable clothes and the nylon bag containing my sword . Hardly worth the assistance. “No, thank you. I’ll

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