It Takes Two Book 5

It Takes Two Book 5 by Ellie Danes Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: It Takes Two Book 5 by Ellie Danes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Danes
Tags: The Matchmaker
expanse of forest and hills and ocean.
    “What’s up?” I heard Mason’s voice right in my ear through the headphones.
    I looked over at him, trying to smooth some of my hair back down as the wind coming through the helicopter’s open windows tried to tangle it some more. I spoke into the microphone as I gave him a grin.
    “This is beautiful. How the heck did you get a private helicopter ride like this?”
    “I just called in a favor. Working at the mansion really does have its perks, as you’ll see.” He gave me a wink. “Something crazy?”
    “Something crazy.” My gaze left his face to lean out toward the window, looking at the tapestry of colors below.
    His hand fell on my leg, rubbing it gently as the pilot took a gentle dive to the right. “I’m glad you aren’t afraid of heights.”
    “Me? No way!” I exclaimed, laughing, scooting a little closer to him and pressing both my legs up against his, forcing his hand up a little further so it rested on my thigh. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes, a slight smile forming on his lips.
    “So where are we going?”
    His smile grew. “Someplace crazy. You’ll see.”
    I gave him a puzzled look. He just grinned, looking like a kid in a candy store.
    “Seriously! Where are we going?”
    “Patience, Miss Browning,” he joked, nudging my shoulder as he gave my leg a squeeze with his strong hand. A deep feeling hit me in the stomach, and I resisted the urge to take his wrist and force his hands up a little further. “Patience,” he repeated, seeming to read my thoughts.
    I stuck my tongue out at him, making him laugh. He leaned over, kissing me fully on the lips, our microphones tangling a little.
    Minutes later, the helicopter landed in the middle of an open field. As Mason helped me out of the helicopter, stepping back in to grab a black bag, I looked around, dazzled by my surroundings. Just in the distance I could see the huge expanse of a vineyard stretching out into the horizon.
    “Holy crap,” I said, not able to think of anything incredibly insightful as I took in the extravagant view. “You sure do know how to make a girl swoon.”
    Mason smiled as if he were pleased with my response.
    I giggled. “What’s in the bag?”
    “So many questions today. I guess you don’t really like surprises, do you?” Mason didn’t wait for my response as he took me by the hand as he led me through the field toward the vineyard. The pale grass of the field brushed up against my fingertips, and I smiled at the beauty of all of it. Rarely did I get a chance to get outside, really get outside—being a part-time student and having worked at the restaurant almost daily. 
    Soon we were in the midst of the vineyard, surrounded by growing crops. Mason led me through everything, and I couldn’t help but to reach out and touch the silky leaves. How had he known I’d enjoy this so much? Maybe he’d read my file at the mansion, as he had Avery’s. All I knew was this was turning out to be the craziest, most exciting date I’d ever been on.
    We reached a clearing and Mason set down his mysterious bag, opening it and producing a checkered fleece blanket with a flourish.
    “A picnic?” I asked, helping him lay it out on the ground.
    “A picnic of sorts.” He produced two glasses and a bottle of expensive red wine. “What better place to drink wine with a beautiful woman than in the vineyard where it was made?”
    I laughed again, giving a little twirl as I took in the beauty of our surroundings. “Mason, this is absolutely perfect.”
    He shrugged. “It works.” He grabbed my hand and tugged me down onto the blanket.
    I collapsed, falling over him laughing. I could feel his body vibrate with his own laughter as he wrapped his legs around me, my back leaning up against him. He reached around me to uncork and pour the wine, his bicep muscles hard against my shoulders.
    The wine tasted heavenly in the warm sun, with Mason leaning back against a rock and me

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