Laid 2 Rest Two Halves of a Whole

Laid 2 Rest Two Halves of a Whole by Melanie Rose Read Free Book Online

Book: Laid 2 Rest Two Halves of a Whole by Melanie Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Rose
truth, it was only yesterday… for me!
    “I know what you mean, that day was wild. Don’t get mad or anything, but it was like you were possessed by some kind of freaky sex goddess.”
    All I could do was laugh at that idea. If he only knew how close to the truth, he really was. “I think I might have been,” I replied still laughing at myself. “Can I ask you something then?” Continuing without even waiting for an answer, “What happened to us? I mean, why aren’t we still together?”
    It was a good question because I had absolutely no idea what he had been up to over the years. Obviously, he has been here before, I’m still in contact with him, he still seems to care about me or else he wouldn’t be here right now, but I’m drawing a complete and utter blank. How am I supposed to fill in these holes without appearing as if I’m interrogating him?
    He rocked his head from side to side slowly as he fought with himself on how best to answer my question. “I’ve asked myself the same thing about a million times already. I’ve always wanted to sweep you away from this hell you’ve been living in with Diego and put back together all the little broken pieces of you. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to make you whole again… but you never let me. You’re too stubborn for your own good and insistent that this shame of a marriage is your punishment for all of your past sins.” Jay blew out a deep huff before continuing.“Jazz the truth is, I’ve stood by you all these years and have never once regretted it. I’ll take you anyway, I can have you. I’ve been there for you thru the good and the not so good and I will continue to do so for as long as I live, but I always wanted or wished that things could have been different between the two of us. I have to admit that I’ve felt cheated for a long time because I should have been the leading man in your life, not just some co-star. I knew that when I moved away right after your birthday that things would change between us. I wished over and over again that I could have stayed behind somehow… stayed with you .”
    So he moved away, huh. We didn’t break up on bad terms. That was good. Moreover, I had the distinct impression, that even though we weren’t a couple anymore, he was still a major part of my life.
    Shoot, he just confessed his feelings for me. Something I was so not used to hearing. Jay just laid it out there and wasn’t remotely embarrassed by it. He seemed relieved to finally get that off his chest and out into the open.
    Man, this is one big jigsaw puzzle. How in the world am I going to fill in these gaps without him thinking that I’ve gone completely bonkers? With limited choices, I decided to go with what I’ve been doing for the past five years of my marriage… I fake it of course!
    “Let’s not talk about our past regrets today, it’s far too depressing. You’re here with me now, we’re enjoying each other’s company and that’s all that truly matters. Didn’t you say on the phone that you had some pictures for me? Let’s see them co-star,” I suggested, holding my hand out. Please, oh please let there be some clues in here for me.
    “These are all for you to keep. I have copies at home.”
    I smiled at that, reached in and pulled out a small stack of ten photos or so. The top picture was of him sunbathing by a pool with his muscles glistening with suntan oil.
    I took a big swallow of water to try to bring my body temperature back down. Yikes. Quickly shuffling that flick to the back of the pile without looking up at him, I pressed on to a picture of him in a professional yellow and purple basketball uniform, standing in the middle of a basketball court, which just happened to be in the middle of the L.A. Sports Arena.
    No. Freakin’. Way!
    I rewound my memory log. He is probably around six-four or six-five now, check! He showed real promise on the high school basketball team, check! That was all I had I

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