It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)

It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) by TL Messruther Read Free Book Online

Book: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) by TL Messruther Read Free Book Online
Authors: TL Messruther
Tags: General Fiction
looks like a big dance studio.
    In the corner is a lady with lovely bright red hair. She stands up to greet us.
    “Rhiannon, this is Cassie. Cassie this is Rhiannon. She is the new one who needs to learn the moves for the new movie.” he explains to Cassie.
    “Certainly Scott. I've read the script, Kaleb gave me it a few days ago to get some moves sorted, and I think I have it set perfectly. Give us an hour.” she says smiling.
    “Okay. Good luck Rhiannon, and I’ll come see how you did after you have finished filming.” he says before walking out.
    I stand there, not knowing what to do. I feel out of place. Everyone is so friendly, and know each other, while I’m the new outsider. I hope I don’t feel like this forever.
    “Okay. You have read your scene, so you know what is consists off right?” she asks kindly.
    “Urm.... yes, I have read it.” I confirm.
    “Great, let’s get under way then. We have an hour.” she says walking over to a pole in the middle of the floor.
    “Now normally, we have people who know how to use the pole, but we can teach you the basics. Kaleb has given you a few weeks to do this. Today is just a rough, to see if you can do the basic, and to see how you are behind the camera.” she explains, as she plays on the pole.
    Deep down I am relieved a little. Knowing I will have a little time to perfect this makes it a little easier.
    Cassie pulls her hoodie off and slings it to a side.
    “While we practice you can take your shoes off, but you will need to practice with them on before we finish up.”
    I nod and bend, undo the straps, and place them neatly in front of the mirror.
    “Right I need you to come grab this bar.” Cassie instructs. I slowly walk over on shaky legs, and place both hands on the bar.
    “Okay. We are going to start with the 'Bumslide to standing'.” she takes her pole, beside mine, and shows me what to do. Once she’s completed it once, I copy as she talks me through it.
    “You need to hold on to the bar, have your feet about three feet apart, and just slide up and down the bar, but keep your back straight” she slowly explains, as I slowly follow instructions. It looks easy enough.
    After I practice that move a few times, Cassie informs me I have it, and we are going to try a different one.
    “Next we are going to try the 'Extended skater'. Watch then copy again. You will feel this one in your arms.” she explains.
    Cassie grabs the pole at the top, lifts herself of the floor, keeps one leg beside the bar, leans back, lifts her left leg back and grabs her left foot with her left hand, behind her back.
    I watch her do it again, so I know I have it right. I attempt it, but my hand slides down the bar, making me fall down. I try it another two times, both times I fail.
    “Rhiannon, you need to concentrate.” she castrates me.
    She’s the pro not me. I think as I’m starting to feel defeated. This is actually harder than it looks.
    This time I try again, determined not to fail, and like magic, I do it perfectly.
    “That’s better,” Cassie comments as she stands, and watches me. She makes me do it another three times to make sure it wasn’t a fluke, and all times I do it, but now my arms are aching.
    “Fab, Two more for today.” she says like another two is easy. My body is aching just after two, and this is before we're even ready for filming.
    “Now, we are going to do 'Hang tough' and 'Dove'. Watch and copy.”
    “First we have the 'Hang tough'.”
    She puts both arms on the pole, and lifts herself of the floor, and kicks her legs up, basically so her legs are straight, and her feet are level with her ass.
    I attempt it, and manage to get my legs so far before my arms slip.
    “Just lift your legs a little higher.” Cassie encourages me. I try again and succeed, but it is very hard, and I feel like I’m going to fall any moment.
    “Okay, let’s take five, give your arms a rest and come back.” she says as I release the bar. She walks to the

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