replied Gilravage.
Jack’s mind was working overtime. The cave of the wells . It was another name he knew from Murkle’s dreary lessons. Murkle was definitely nearby.
Sure enough, as they reached a gnarled oak tree, Jack saw several of the Shian square residents huddled over a fire. There was Grandpa, and Murkle and Daid, Gilmore and Finbogie; and about a dozen McCools. The smell of roasting meat assailed Jack’s nostrils, and his stomach rumbled.
“Sit down, sit down.” Gilmore fussed around as the new arrivals gathered round the fire. “We’ll get you some food. Did you get the charmstone?”
Gilravage produced the amulet, but hesitated for a moment.
“Do you not trust us?” Grandpa Sandy appeared out of the mist. “I take it Ossian has explained the necessity of this action. Believe me, if there was another way we would not be here.”
“How much is it worth?” asked Gilravage.
He had no time to respond. There was a swish, and two seconds later he lay on the ground, with Finbogie standing over him, sceptre pointed at his throat.
“More than your life is worth, fisherman. Hand it over.”
Gilravage proffered the amulet, and got to his knees.
“I was only jokin’.”
“This is not the time for jokes,” spat Murkle. “Who knows what waking this giant may do? But we have no choice. We must get the flag.”
“I think we could all do with some food.” Grandpa Sandy spoke evenly. “And I urge you all to save your energies for tomorrow. There is a bothy nearby where we can sleep.”
“Grandpa, where are the others? Dad, and Petros and the rest of them?”
“They have gone ahead to prepare for tomorrow. The Hebseelie will convene at Balbegan. That’s not far from Ardmore castle, where the flag is kept.”
“But shouldn’t we stick together?”
“We have to be cautious; they’re mostly Seelie here, but they’re different. Each boat crew will seek their own shelter. Phineas is scouting ahead; he’ll make sure we’re all in the right place for tomorrow.”
“So who’s going to wake this giant up?”
“Oh, that’s easy. It’s you and Murkle.”
Jack did not sleep well that night. For one thing it was cold, and even in a bothy crammed with people, there was precious little warmth. But what really kept him awake was the thought of going into a cave with his least favourite tutor to wake up a giant. How was that for a Hallows’ Eve surprise?
Breakfast was eaten in near silence, everyone preferring the company of their own thoughts to the conversation of others.
“Grandpa, we’ve got the amulet to wake Caskill. What am I supposed to do?”
Grandpa Sandy looked hard at Jack.
“Jack, waking this giant will not be that simple. The legend says that we must charge his heart – that’s what the amulet is for.”
Jack’s astonished expression told its own story.
“The amulet has the power to awaken Caskill, but only with the right charm; and you must find him first.”
“But he’s in the cave; you’ve already said.”
“Jack, that cave stretches far into the mountain; and it’s dark. There are tunnels and wells in there; it’s dangerous.”
“Then why don’t we all go in and look for him?”
“We need to win him over. Giants aren’t used to crowds. If we all go in, he’ll think he’s being attacked, especially if he sees fire torches. That’s the surest way to turn him angry.”
“Can’t I have a sceptre if it’s dark in there?”
“You’re not allowed one; you know that.”
“So what do I do in there?”
“Marco and Luka have great faith in your ability to see the right way. You must use the Sphere. There’s no harm in you knowing now, but while Marco was keeping it safe, several of the Congress tried to use it; and we couldn’t.”
“You mean I’m the only one who can make it work?”
“Jack, our powers are not as strong here. Maybe we’re too far away from the Stone in Edinburgh – the Kildashie have the benefit of that now; but you have