
Jase by MJ Field Read Free Book Online

Book: Jase by MJ Field Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Field
boyfriend?” he plopped his book on the black granite lab table.
    “Yes, thank you,” I smiled to be polite.
    “Cool. W eird you have never mentioned a boyfriend before.”
    “Well , to be honest… we really don’t discuss our personal lives now do we?” I know it sounded bitchy, I really had not meant it to, so I smiled and looked up.
    “Actually Carly , we have. Your Mother teaches here, your brother lives in Jersey with your father, whose girlfriend you hate. You are still not sure if you want to go into medical research or literature. You have no pets, the only hobby you have is going to the gym with your mom. You hang out with your mother, her friend Professor Enwomb, and no one else. You’re witty and incredibly smart.”
    I looked at him showing no emotion. I would probably cry if I did , and quickly looked away. I looked up as the PA walked in to give us instructions. As soon as he was done I grabbed my things and walked quickly out the door, out of the building, across the yard, and to my car. I drove home fighting tears the whole way. I would not be weak. I would not cry. I would not wonder why he would go to her and leave me, or if the things he said were what he really meant. I would not…after tomorrow. Today I would crawl in bed and cry. Confused and missing Jase. I would cry into my pillow not to any girlfriend because as Brad had pointed out, I had none.
    I was in bed when the doorbell rang. I threw on a pair of old sweat pants and threw my hair up into a very sloppy bun. I walked out and opened the door.
    “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you,” Brad stood in the door with a brown paper bag in one hand and my phone in the other. Not really my phone, it was the one Jase had sent me, so that we could talk and text on the same plan. He didn’t want my mother to carry the financial burden of an obnoxious phone bill because he felt the need to contact me throughout the day , just can’t stay away from you Carly, this is the next best thing .
    “Can I come in?” Brad smiled and I stepped to the side allowing him in. “Your boyfriend called and I answered thinking that you had realized you had left your phone. He was NOT happy.”
    “What did he say?” I know that came out a little to o desperate, but hey-- I kind of was.
    “Well he asked who the fuck was answering the phone ?” Brad used a thick Jersey accent trying to be funny so I laughed to be polite, “Here, maybe you should call him back.”
    I grabbed the phone, “Thanks,” and ran into the bathroom.
    He answered on the first ring.
    “Hi , Jase.”
    “You wanna tell me why that fuck had my God Damn phone!”
    “I left it in class, I didn’t…”
    “You left it in class? Do you think I am going to buy that shit Carly?” Jase was over the top pissed, “Like you went to fucking class! So easily replaced , huh?”
    “Jase , I went to class,” I felt my face getting red and tried to breathe.
    “You have probably been making that boy wanna fuck you for months now. Playing all innocent and stupid.”
    I couldn’t breathe, I could not believe he was talking to me like he was. “Jase, I’m sorry,” I had to stop talking because I couldn’t breathe. I quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed my bag and grabbed my inhaler and took a big puff.
    “I’m sure you’re sorry Carly,” Jase snapped.
    Brad watched as I took another puff, “Are you okay, Carly?”
    “Is he with you now?” Jase screamed in the phone.
    I exhaled loudly, “Yes -- he came to bring me the phone, which was very nice…”
    “Yes just great. Brads a great guy isn’t he?” Jase snapped.
    I heard a flight being called.
    “Are you at the airport Jase? Are you coming back?” I know I sounded needy and excited all at the same time.
    “Now why would I do that when you have already replaced me , Carly?”
    “Jase are you drunk?” He did not answer for a minute.
    “Well let’s see, I have had the most fucked up day in years, two to be exact, and I have

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