Jase & the Deadliest Hunt

Jase & the Deadliest Hunt by John Luke Robertson Read Free Book Online

Book: Jase & the Deadliest Hunt by John Luke Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Luke Robertson
shot blast a small fountain of water.
    “I’m getting closer than you are!”
    The boys are having similar luck, and you hear their shouts of frustration each time they miss the target.
    You’re reloading once more when something waddles out of the bushes. The dark, unmoving eyes meet yours.
    It’s another duck. The same kind, with its weird golden feathers and extralong beak.
    You try to swipe at it with the butt of your rifle, but it’s no good.
    The duck flies into the sky, then circles over you again.
    “That’s it! I’m done here.” You’ve had enough taunting and teasing for now. Time to get back home, where the ducks know their place.
    “Where are you going?” Willie calls out.
    “I’m not going to be made a fool of all day long,” you say. “Too bad we don’t have the shotguns.”
    “Yeah, great choice on the rifle, John Luke,” Willie says.
    You start walking back toward the lodge, but you can hear the guys laughing at you. In a second you stop and turn around.
    “ What is so funny?”
    They all keep laughing, but nobody says anything.
    “What is it? I don’t see any of you hitting the targets either.” You continue walking, trying to ignore them.
    “Hey, Jase,” Willie says.
    “Look down at your feet.”
    You stop midstride, with a bad feeling about what you’ll see when you look down.
    Sure enough, it’s one of the ducks. It’s staring up at you like some kind of lost puppy.
    You’re so frustrated, you try to lash out and kick it with your boot. But this only makes you stumble and lose your balance, landing on your back in the dirt.
    More laughter from the gallery.
    You stand and brush yourself off but can’t seem to find the duck. It’s flying again. Of course.
    Soon enough, all of you will be flying too. Flying back to West Monroe empty-handed.
    Start over.
    Read “Let the Good Times Roll: A Note from John Luke Robertson.”


    YOU’VE BEEN IN THE CABIN of the helicopter for about ten minutes, enjoying the sense of relief and joy that comes with leaving the island. But you’re also melancholy for some reason that you can’t pinpoint.
    As you glance at John Luke and Willie across from you, and then at Cole sitting beside you and staring out the window, it suddenly comes to you.
    I almost lost them.
    So you decide to tell them something you’ve maybe never told them before.
    “I just gotta say this. I’m not trying to get overly emotional or anything like that. But I gotta say it.” You take a deep breath. “I love you guys.”
    Willie looks at you as if you’ve lost your mind.
    “I know it’s crazy, but I thought I might lose all of you back there on the island. And if I never get another chance to say it, I just want to let you know how much all of you mean to me. Each and every one of you.”
    Willie still seems to think you’re crazy.
    You keep talking. “I know I tease you a lot, but, Willie, I can’t imagine this world   —”
    “Whoa, whoa. Hold on. Where did Jase go? What happened, and who is this guy?”
    You wipe the tears lining your cheeks. “It’s just   —I never say these things, but I feel them.” You decide to make it even more personal. “Cole, I want to be a better father. John Luke, I want to be a better uncle. And, Willie   —”
    He holds up a hand. “Just stop now.”
    “I can’t stop. I love you, man.”
    “If you don’t stop, I’m jumping out of this helicopter. Without a parachute. I’ll swim back to Wacko Island. I’ll snuggle up with a gopher.”
    You reach out for Willie’s hand. “Take it.”
    “Take what?”
    “Take my hand.”
    He folds his arms. “I’m not taking your hand.”
    “Take it.”
    “You are crazy. Bona fide nutso.”
    “I’m proud of you, Willie. And I always will be.”
    Suddenly some sweet orchestra music begins to play overthe helicopter’s speakers. You couldn’t have planned this moment better yourself.
    Willie and the boys are glancing around,

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