Jasper Dash and the Flame-Pits of Delaware

Jasper Dash and the Flame-Pits of Delaware by M.T. Anderson Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Jasper Dash and the Flame-Pits of Delaware by M.T. Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.T. Anderson
fair hair across his forehead. “It was, in fact, in the ancient, eldritch mountains of Delaware.”
    Katie and Lily exchanged a Look.
    â€œThe mountains,” said Katie. “Of Delaware.”
    Jasper, gazing off into the dark and knitted hemlocks around them, whispered, “The path was long, through the jungle. That way was not easy going, chums. Once I left the borders of Maryland, every moment was a struggle. Wounded by a panther, hunted by diamondsmugglers, knotted up with cobras, with no hope of finding the lost temple I sought, I passed out unconscious in my hiding place in the roots of a baobab tree.
    â€œI awoke to find myself swaying in a stretcher, being carried through a courtyard at the top of the world. I was in the monastery of Vbngoom, the Platter of Heaven. The monks who carried me were strong as oxen, yet gentle as—”
    â€œJasper,” said Katie, “there are no mountains in Delaware.”
    â€œTheir heads were shaved, and they wore robes of forest green. Some wore helmets or they—”
    â€œWater slides,” Katie said. “There are water slides in Delaware. Putt-putt golf. Shoe outlets. Stores that sell drums and electric guitars. But no mountains.”
    â€œFor almost a year, I remained there hidden in the fastness of Vbngoom, wandering its courtyards and cloisters. I studied and spent hours in silence, staring into the eyes of the monasterytiger. I spent whole days smelling a single jasmine flower. I laughed; I did not speak. With another novice, soon my friend, Drgnan Pghlik, I learned the ways of martial arts and stillness.”
    â€œYou learned the ways of nutcase,” said Katie. “Are you sure you didn’t spend an hour facedown in your custard? And have to be revived in a clean, white place?”
    â€œJasper,” said Lily, “what does this have to do with the Stare-Eyes team cheating?”
    â€œBecause the cardboard model Katie saw—the building with the plastic spoons on the turrets—that is a sacred object. That is the only known model of the lost monastery of Vbngoom.”

    Jasper explained more details of the situation to them over macaroni and cheese. The food was nice and hot after the chilly outdoors. Mrs. Dash, her hair a perfect bell, sat on a stool, reading a gardening magazine.
    Jasper could barely chew, in his excitement. He said, “All of the objects you saw in the back of the van, Katie—they were all prized by the monks. They should be sitting in the temple at Vbngoom. They must have been stolen.” Jasper tapped his fork on his plate. “I believe I have deduced what is going on.”
    Lily and Katie paid close attention.
    â€œThe Delaware Stare-Eyes team,” said Jasper, “is just a ruse. A front. They are actually smugglers—art thieves. There is at the moment a big market for sacred artifacts smuggled out of countries and sold to museums. This, indeed, is the Stare-Eyes team’s real game. Somehow, they have stolen these sacred objects from Vbngoom. Then, disguised as an athletic team, they sneak the stolen antiquities across the border from Delaware. They sell them illegally to museums like Pelt’s.”
    â€œHow do you know?” asked Lily.
    â€œSeveral reasons. The theory fits with the conversation Katie overheard. Second, the monks of Vbngoom would never allow those treasures to leave their walls. Somebody must be there plundering their monastery. Third, I believe that the so-called Delaware Stare-Eyes champions win their dastardly victories by tapping into the ancient power of the monastery. And, fourth, last, and finally, I believe that the person calling me for help when I was entranced was none other than my long-lost friend, Brother Drgnan Pghlik.”
    â€œHoney,” said Mrs. Dash from across thekitchen, “you’re not going back to Delaware, are you?”
    â€œCould you tell him,” said Katie, “that there are no

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