Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)

Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) by Chiah Wilder Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) by Chiah Wilder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chiah Wilder
Tags: Fiction, Romance, MC
saw Peaches and Jax practically doing it. It was late and most of the patrons had gone, leaving a few guys and several Insurgents inside the club. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she walked to the lap dance rooms.
    Cherri closed the door behind her when she entered the red room. It was swathed in variations of old-west saloon reds: deep red velvet walls with mirrors, a plush Persian carpet on the dark wood floors, an over-sized wraparound maroon leather couch hugging the walls. Erotic art dotted the mirrors while the shimmering light from two floor lamps draped in rosy chiffon lent a sultry ambience to the space.
    Gunner, reclining on the couch with his arms resting on the top of it, smiled, his eyes smoldered with heat. “Don’t you look delicious, darlin’. Come on over and make me feel good.”
    Cherri held his blazing look and swayed her hips as she neared him. “Do you have a couple of favorite songs you’d like me to dance to?” She placed her hands on his jean-covered knees and bent over, her face close to his.
    Swallowing hard, he nodded. “ ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ by Def Leppard and ‘Cherry Pie’ by Warrant are good.”
    “Nice choices.” Cherri walked over to an elaborately carved wood cabinet, opened the doors, and pressed some buttons. Wiggling her shoulders and tossing her hair back, she said, “The rules are no touching. I can touch you, but you can’t touch me. Got it?”
    Gunner nodded while he sucked in his breath.
    She came back over to him and waited for the music to start. On the first beat, Cherri moved her hip to one side, then another. She strutted around, ran her fingers through her hair then down her neck, her chest, then to her hips and around her butt. Tossing her hair, she looked at herself in the mirror behind the couch, then shifted her gaze to Gunner as she drew his eyes to hers. Gunner stared at her, transfixed; lust filled his black eyes as her head slowly fell forward then rolled back up, her hair draping around her like a shroud. Keeping her hands in contact with her body, she let them ride up her sides and back toward the nape of her neck.
    Cherri came up to Gunner and placed her body between his legs as she swayed to the music, her ass bumping and grinding his crotch. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, her eyes never left his as she dry-humped him. Slowly leaning back, her shoulders pressed into his hard chest as she wrapped her arm around his neck—giving him a perfect view of her supple breasts—while she rubbed her ass on his hard shaft. She heard Gunner’s guttural moans.
    Swinging around, she faced him, her eyes locked with his once again. A sweet, subtle grin whispered across her face as she straddled his lap. As she bent forward, her orange blossom-sugared scent caressed Gunner’s nostrils, and Cherri pushed her breasts toward his face. Arching her back, she unhooked her bikini top, releasing her boobs while she moved her butt against Gunner’s massive hard-on. His breathing was fast and shallow as he shifted under Cherri’s gyrations.
    “You’re fuckin’ killin’ me, darlin’,” he said huskily.
    Still holding his gaze, Cherri licked her lips as she nestled Gunner’s face into her breasts, squeezing them around his face with her hand while grinding on his hardness. Not able to control himself any longer, Gunner’s arms circled her petite waist and crushed her glistening body against him. The song ended, but Gunner didn’t release her.
    “The songs are over. I’m finished,” she said into his ear while gently pulling away.
    “That was a fuckin’ hot dance. Way better than you on stage.” He reached in his pocket and took out his wallet. “Here you go, darlin’.” He handed her three one hundred dollar bills.
    With wide eyes, Cherri said, “The dance is thirty dollars. This is way too much.”
    “That’s your tip, darlin’. You deserve every bit of it and more. There’s somethin’ ’bout you makes me wanna take care of you.

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