Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)

Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) by Chiah Wilder Read Free Book Online

Book: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) by Chiah Wilder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chiah Wilder
Tags: Fiction, Romance, MC
she said, “I’m sure we’ll get to know each other.”
    “When are you gonna dance tonight, darlin’? You’re my favorite.”
    “Never. The Insurgents won’t let me dance anymore.” She pushed out her lower lip.
    A dark shadow passed over his face as his eyebrows contracted and his forehead wrinkled. “Really? Why does the MC care? I don’t remember discussing that.”
    “Well, it was Jax who nixed my dancing.”
    “That’s stupid. What did he do that for?”
    Cherri shrugged.
    “I need to talk with that asshole. You not being able to dance is stupid as fuck!”
    “And a hardship, because I made a ton of money in tips.”
    “Yeah, I bet you did, darlin’; you’re a lot of the guys’ favorite. What about a lap dance? Would you do a lap dance for me?”
    Cherri’s eyes lit up. “Sure, why not? I was told I couldn’t dance on stage. I’ll give you a good lap dance. I’ll treat you right.” She placed her hand over his, rubbing it.
    “Hey, buddy, how’s it going?”
    Spinning around, Cherri saw Jax pull out the chair next to her. He sat down and started talking with Gunner about motorcycles. Cherri stared at him, but Jax, acting as though she wasn’t at the table, continued to talk with Gunner, laughing too loud at things Gunner said that weren’t all that funny. You want to play games with me, Jax? Go on—I’m a great player. I’ve had a lot of practice, especially with men. Bring it on, asshole.
    With sparkling eyes, she leaned close to Gunner, her hand on his shoulder, and said, “I gotta get back to work. Come find me later.” She felt Jax’s glare on her. Ignoring him, she stood up from the table and walked away.
    Standing against the bar, Cherri watched as Peaches took the stage. She turned toward Gunner’s table and saw Jax was still with him, talking his ear off. The whole time she had been at Dream House, she had never seen Jax speak with Gunner, yet the jerk acted like he was Gunner’s best friend. She hoped he wasn’t telling Gunner shit about her, trying to scare him off, although Gunner didn’t look like he intimidated easily.
    Glancing back at the stage, she noticed Peaches looked at Jax, but he had his back to her as he spoke with Gunner. Cherri couldn’t help the surge of satisfaction rising in her. Whenever she danced, Jax couldn’t keep his eyes off her. A deep ache pulsed through her as she thought about her stripping and Jax’s lust-filled eyes watching her. When she danced, she’d catch his eye, and they would be connected through the music, the dance, and their desire. She yearned for that connection right then, but he took it away from her.
    On the stage, a frowning Peaches stared at Jax’s back. Cherri was glad Jax couldn’t care less that Peaches was working extra hard to shake her ass and boobs—he just kept talking to Gunner.
    Serves you right bitch.
    A couple of hours later, while busy moving boxes of supplies to the storage area, Emma came over to Cherri. “Gunner’s waiting for his lap dance in the red room. How did that come about?”
    “I got talking to him and he asked when I was gonna dance. I told him the deal, and he said he wanted a lap dance. He seems like a nice guy, by the way.”
    “Really? I don’t know him too well. He hangs with the older bikers. He always seems gruff to me.” Emma shrugged.
    “I think he’s probably a big teddy bear.”
    “I don’t think I’d describe him like that, but whatever.”
    “I gotta change. Tell him I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Cherri raced to her dressing room and pulled out different outfits from her closet. Finally settling on a skimpy leopard print skirt with a pink thong, along with a black lace and leopard print push-up top, she hurriedly dressed. The guys loved this outfit because it always made her boobs look bigger than they were. Stiletto black pumps completed the ensemble.
    Throwing on a cover-up, she headed toward the red room where Gunner waited. She glanced into the bar area and

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